General Provisions
30.01 Forms of government
30.02 Classes of municipalities; change of classification
30.03 Vacancies
Organization; Board of Commissioners Form
30.15 Composition
30.16 Qualifications and terms of office
30.17 President
30.18 Vacancies
30.19 Meetings
30.20 Quorum; voting
30.21 General oversight
30.22 Three-Board of Commissioners city
Ordinances and Resolutions
30.35 Style of ordinances; subject
30.36 Readings, passage, and publication
30.37 Effective date of ordinances and resolutions
30.38 Compilation of ordinances
Statutory reference:
Related provisions, see SDCL §§ 9-2-1 through 9-2-3
Related provisions, see SDCL §§ 9-2-1 and 9-2-2
(A) There are three classes of municipal corporations:
(1) First class, with a population of 5,000 or over;
(2) Second class, with a population between 500 and 5,000; and
(3) Third class, with a population of less than 500.
(B) (1) The municipality may change its classification if the territory of the municipality has changed substantially since the last preceding census.
(2) The governing body by resolution may authorize and direct its Clerk to determine the population by filing in his or her office a certificate showing the whole number of persons who voted at the last preceding annual municipal election, which number, multiplied by three, shall constitute the population for the purpose of classification until the next federal census shall have been completed.
(Prior Code, § 30.002)