   Refer to the fee schedule adopted by resolution. The Board of Commissioners may revise the fees as set forth herein from time to time by resolution.
(Ord. 30, passed 8-21-2008)
   (A)   Minimum rate and monthly charge. All wastewater and industrial waste discharged to the wastewater facilities shall be paid for by the tenant or owner of the premises served, according to the following schedule:
      (1)   Residential class: Refer to the fee schedule adopted by resolution. The Board of Commissioners may revise the fees as set forth herein from time to time by resolution; and
      (2)   Commercial and industrial class: Refer to fee schedule adopted by resolution. The Board of Commissioners may revise the fees as set forth herein from time to time by resolution $64.35 per service.
   (B)   Surcharge. There is established and imposed, pursuant to the authority of SDCL Chapter 9-40, a surcharge upon sewer service, the proceeds of such surcharge to be used for the payment of the principal of and interest on bonds issued under the authority of SDCL Chapter 9-40. No portion of the proceeds of such surcharge shall be expended for any purpose other than retiring sewer bonds until all of such bonds have been retired. The surcharge shall be imposed at the rate of $10.35 per sewer account. The charge shall be in addition to any rate per unit charges imposed under division (A) of this section.
   (C)   Deposits.
      (1)   Any customer requesting sanitary sewer service from the city shall be required to make one of the following deposits based upon the type of service required:
         (a)   All commercial accounts: $100;
         (b)   Residential accounts where the customer does not own the property being served, to be referred to as residential rental accounts: $100;
         (c)   Residential accounts where the customer does own the property being served, to be referred to as residential owner accounts: $50); or
         (d)   Delinquent accounts: $100.
      (2)   The Finance Officer shall, at his or her sole and unlimited discretion, have the ability to waive the deposit in consideration of the customer’s previous record of prompt payment to the city for utility services. Letters of reference from other utility companies are not acceptable in lieu of utility deposit.
      (3)   A delinquent account deposit shall be required at such time as the customer had prior service with the city, and had such service disconnected for nonpayment; or if collection efforts outside the normal procedure for the finance office (small claims action, lien on the property or collection agency action) were taken; or if customer had four late utility payments (not consecutive) with any 12-month period.
      (4)   The Finance Officer shall deposit such moneys in a separate account and interest earned thereon shall be the property of the city. At such time as sanitary sewer service shall be terminated, the Finance Officer shall promptly refund any such deposit to the water customer; provided however, that all accounts are paid in full. In the event that the water customer and owner of any trust deposit shall fail to pay his or her utility billings to the city before the same may be delinquent, then the Finance Officer shall have the right to withdraw such trust fund and apply to any obligation. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies the city shall have for the collection of such moneys and the right to terminate such service upon nonpayment by the water customer.
      (5)   Fees, charges, and rates for sewer services, connections, and tap fees may be changed per resolution by the Board of Commissioners whose authority to do so is granted by SDCL § 9-48-15.
(Ord. 30, passed 8-21-2008; Ord. 30-A, passed 11-20-2008)
   A wastewater treatment system service fee may be charged on all monthly accounts of the sanitary sewer service system. The fee will be established as an Enterprise Fund. The purpose of the wastewater treatment system service fee will be to provide funding for the wastewater management of the system and to generate sufficient revenue for future expansion, for anticipated area growth and development, and to fund emergency situations and address life safety issues, flooding and infrastructure damage. Upon recommendation by the Public Works Director, fees may be imposed. Fees may be determined per resolution by the Board of Commissioners whose authority to do so is granted by SDCL § 9-48-15.
(Ord. 30, passed 8-21-2008)
   A wastewater treatment repair and maintenance fee may be charged to all users of the sanitary sewer service system. The purpose of the fee shall be to maintain the wastewater treatment system. Upon recommendation by the Public Works Director, fees may be imposed. Fees may be determined per resolution by the Board of Commissioners whose authority to do so is granted by SDCL § 9-48-15.
(Ord. 30, passed 8-21-2008; Ord. 30-D, passed 9-16-2010) Penalty, see § 53.999
§ 53.084 BILLING.
   The sewer use billing shall be monthly and shall be based on the rates determined in § 53.083. The city shall assess a $15 penalty if the payment is not received by the city within 15 days. Each customer shall be notified by mail of the delinquent account along with the attachment of penalty. After notification and if the delinquent account is not paid within ten days, the city shall take all legal remedies to collect the over due bill.
(Ord. 30, passed 8-21-2008; Ord. 2021-06, passed 10-21-2021)
   All fees, charges, and rates for sewer services, connections, and tap fees are the responsibility of the property owner. In the event that a renter’s monthly fees are in arrears, the property owner/landlord shall be held responsible for any and all fees, late charges, and filing fees as have been incurred on the account.
(Ord. 30, passed 8-21-2008; Ord. 30-B, passed 11-19-2009)
   All customers of wastewater services provided by city, outside the corporate limits, shall be governed by all rules, regulations and ordinances in effect within the city concerning the same, and shall be charged the rate of one and one-half times the rate for in-town customers in the same customer class category as determined by the Board of Commissioners except for those serviced by the wastewater treatment plant prior to adoption of this chapter.
(Ord. 30, passed 8-21-2008)