   The maximum sign face area for all permitted office, business and service use signage for each building or unit of a building shall be related to the width, or frontage, of the building or building unit thereof. Maximum sign face area shall be determined as follows:
   (a)   Maximum Sign Face Area - Business Building 5,000 square feet or greater in area. The total maximum sign face area (square feet) permitted for signage on the business building shall be determined by the formula:
Building Width x 2.5
   (b)   Maximum Sign Face Area - Business Building less than 5,000 square feet in area. The total maximum sign face area (square feet) permitted for signage on the business building shall be determined by the formula:
Building Width x 2.0
   (c)   Maximum Sign Face Area - Business Multi-Tenant Building. The total maximum sign face area (square feet) permitted for a sign on a business unit within a multi-tenant building shall be determined by the formula:
Tenant Unit Width x 1.5
   (d)   Maximum Sign Face Area - Temporary Signs. The maximum sign face area (square feet) of permitted temporary signs shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 1272.12(j) and (k).
      (Ord. 2021-006. Passed 3-15-21.)
   Accessory signs in business districts shall only be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Regional Shopping Center Signs. For regional shopping centers as defined in Section 1258.15, permits for all signs shall be applied for, reviewed, approved and issued in accordance with the following Master Sign Program procedure.
   The standards and restrictions set forth in Sections 1272.04, 1272.10, 1272.11 and 1272.12 [other than (a)] do not apply to regional shopping centers for which a Master Sign Program has been requested and/or approved.
      (1)   The applicant shall prepare and submit to the Planning Commission a Master Sign Program which shall set forth the design intent of such Program and shall govern all signs at the subject shopping center. The Master Sign Program shall include:
         A.   A drawing at appropriate scale of the site plan of the total retail shopping center and/or portions or phrases of same showing:
            1.   The sizes, shapes, locations and major physical features of all buildings, malls, arcades, canopies, grade wells, fences or other construction.
            2.   The locations and configurations of all roadways, drives, walks, parking areas and pavings, including existing and proposed traffic signals, designated turn lanes, drive-through lanes, truck wells, handicapped parking, ramps and crosswalks;
            3.   All earth forms or berms, and the locations, quantities and types of landscaping;
            4.   The locations of all proposed free-standing signs; and
            5.   The identity of the tenant business within each building or building unit.
         B.   Drawings at appropriate scale of the complete exterior elevations in color of any building for which a sign is proposed, with the proposed signs properly placed, scaled and rendered to reflect all proposed exterior materials, finishes, colors and lighting of each sign.
         C.   A tabular listing of all proposed signs, indicating for each sign:
            1.   The sign graphics;
            2.   The type of sign (ground, pylon, wall, canopy, etc.), sign dimensions and area; and
            3.   The sign color(s) and method(s) of lighting.
         D.   Detailed sign construction and/or fabrication drawings at appropriate scale of each proposed sign, indicating sign design and layout, dimensions, area, materials, finishes, colors, type styles, graphics, methods of illumination, numbers and types of lamps, lens materials and colors, construction details, erection and mounting details.
      (2)   Upon receipt of the Master Sign Program, the Secretary to the Planning Commission shall forward a copy to the Building Commissioner, the Architectural Review Board, and the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation.
      (3)   The Architectural Review Board shall review the Master Sign Program and shall make its recommendations to the Planning Commission within thirty business days after initial submission to the Secretary of the Planning Commission by the applicant.
      (4)   The Planning Commission shall then make its recommendation to Council together with the recommendation of the Architectural Review Board within fifteen (15) business days after receiving the recommendation of the Architectural Review Board.
      (5)   Council shall approve or disapprove the Master Sign Program within thirty (30) days on the basis of the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Architectural Review Board and on its own findings. Council may, as part of its review, request a formal presentation of the Master Sign Program by the applicant.
      (6)   A Master Sign Program that has been approved by Council shall henceforth govern all sign permits issued for the subject regional shopping center. If a sign permit application conforms to the approved Master Sign Program, the Building Commissioner shall issue a sign permit in accordance with Section 1272.17.
      (7)   An approved Master Sign Program may be revised by resubmitting that portion of the Program to be revised to the Architectural Review Board and the Planning Commission for review. If the revised Sign Program is substantially consistent with the approved Master Sign Program, it shall be processed by the Planning Commission. Otherwise it shall be reviewed and approved through the same process as required by the originally approved Program.
   (b)   Neighborhood and Community Shopping Center Signs. Permits for all signs in neighborhood and community shopping centers as defined in Section 1258.15 shall be applied for, reviewed, approved and issued in accordance with the following Master Sign Program procedure.
      (1)   The applicant shall prepare and submit to the Planning Commission a Master Sign Program which shall set forth the design intent of such Program and shall govern all signs. The Master Sign Program shall include:
         A.   A drawing at appropriate scale of the site plan of the total shopping center and/or portions or phrases of same showing:
            1.   The sizes, shapes, locations and major physical features of all buildings.
            2.   The locations and configurations of all roadways, drives, walks, and parking areas.
            3.   The locations of all proposed free-standing signs; and
            4.   The identity of the tenant business within each building or building unit.
         B.   Drawings at appropriate scale of the complete exterior elevations in color of any building for which a sign is proposed, with the proposed signs properly placed, scaled and rendered to reflect all proposed exterior materials, finishes, colors and lighting of each sign.
         C.   A tabular listing of all proposed signs for the subject shopping center, indicating for each sign:
            1.   The sign graphics;
            2.   The type of sign (ground, pylon, wall, canopy, etc.), sign dimensions and area; and
            3.   The sign color(s) and method(s) of lighting.
         D.   Detailed sign construction and/or fabrication drawings at appropriate scale of each proposed sign, indicating sign design and layout, dimensions, area, materials, finishes, colors, type styles, graphics, methods of illumination, numbers and types of lamps, lens materials and colors, construction details, erection and mounting details.
      (2)   Upon receipt of the Master Sign Program, the Secretary to the Planning Commission shall forward a copy to the Building Commissioner, the Architectural Review Board, and the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation.
      (3)   The Architectural Review Board shall review the Master Sign Program and shall make its recommendations to the Planning Commission within thirty (30) business days after initial submission to the Building Commissioner by the applicant.
      (4)   The Planning Commission shall approve or disapprove the Master Sign Program within thirty (30) days on the basis of the recommendation of the Architectural Review Board and on its own findings.
      (5)   A Master Sign Program that has been approved by the Planning Commission shall henceforth govern all sign permits issued for the subject shopping center. If a sign permit application conforms to the approved Master Sign Program, the Building Commissioner shall issue a sign permit in accordance with Section 1272.17.
      (6)   An approved Master Sign Program may be revised by resubmitting that portion of the Program to be revised to the Architectural Review Board for review. If the revised Sign Program is substantially consistent with the approved Master Sign Program, it shall be processed by the Architectural Review Board and the Building Commissioner. Otherwise it shall be reviewed and approved through the same process as required by the originally approved Program.
   (c)   Wall Signs. One wall sign for each use not exceeding sign face area square footage equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the width of the building unit, and not exceeding five feet in height shall be permitted on a building. For business uses 10,000 square feet and larger, additional wall signs related to the business use identifying certain separate services provided (i.e. pharmacy, garden supplies) may be permitted provided the maximum sign face area of all wall signs meet the requirements of this Section. Additional wall signs shall not exceed two feet in vertical dimension.
   (d)   Pole Signs. One pole sign not exceeding fifty square feet in single face sign area and not exceeding fifty feet in height shall be permitted only on Royalton Road and within 1700 feet of the I-71 centerline, provided that it is set back at least twenty-five feet from the right-of-way line and one hundred feet from any Residential District.
   (e)   Ground and Pylon Signs (Single Use). One permanent ground sign for a single use or one pylon sign for a single use shall be permitted on each lot. A permanent ground sign shall not exceed fifty square feet in single face sign area and five feet in height and shall be located not less than 100 feet from a Residential District; ten feet from any street right-of-way line; and twenty-five feet from any lot line. A pylon sign shall not exceed forty square feet in single face sign area and eight feet in height. It shall not be located closer than 100 feet from a Residential District; be a minimum of ten feet from any street right-of-way line; and set back a minimum of twenty-five feet from any lot line.
   (f)   Canopy and Projecting Signs. One canopy sign or one projecting sign shall be permitted on a building for each separate use occupying the building. The maximum sign face area for a canopy sign shall be ten square feet; and the maximum vertical height shall be eighteen inches; with the sign placed a minimum of eight feet above the sidewalk. The maximum sign face area of a projecting sign shall be nine square feet with a maximum height of three feet and the projecting sign placed a minimum of eight feet above the sidewalk and fifteen feet above the vehicular way.
   (g)   Ground Directional Signs. Ground directional signs indicating traffic routes may be permitted by the Building Commissioner, provided that no such sign exceeds three square feet in single face sign area; is closer than fifteen feet to any lot line, or ten feet to any street right-of-way line; and provided that no such sign exceeds three and one-half feet in height. Ground directional signs shall be permitted by the Building Commissioner based upon recommendations of the City Engineer or his designee, and the City safety forces taking into account the lot size and location relative to roadway and driveway access.
   (h)   Ground and Pylon Signs for Business Multiple Use/Office Park. Either one ground sign or one pylon sign shall be permitted for purposes of business multiple use or an office park. Either sign shall not exceed fifty square feet in single face sign area, shall be set back a minimum of twenty-five feet from any lot line; and shall be set back a minimum of thirty-five feet from the nearest street right-of-way or the nearest edge of pavement. The maximum height of a ground sign shall be five feet from the original grade; and eight feet from the original grade in the case of a pylon sign.
   (i)   Wall (Theatre Marquee) Signs. One wall (theatre marquee) sign is permitted on a building housing a theatre but not to exceed six hundred fifty square feet in single face area; and subject to maximum height and other reasonable restrictions as permitted by the City's Planning Commission and Architectural Review Board approval, based upon such factors as height clearances above pedestrian ways and vehicular drives, building design, and other theatre signage.
   (j)   Temporary Project Signs. One temporary project ground sign not exceeding thirty-two square feet in single sign face area and eight feet in height shall be permitted if it is located on the lot of a proposed building or buildings under construction. It shall be located not less than 100 feet from the nearest residential lot line and not less than twenty-five feet from the nearest non-residential lot and street right-of-way line. Permits for such signs shall be for a period not exceeding six months from the issuance of the permit. However, such permits may be renewed by the Building Commissioner for up to an additional six months if the Building Commissioner determines that the construction is being pursued diligently.
   (k)   Other Temporary Signs. A maximum of two other temporary ground signs shall be permitted provided that each sign does not exceed six square feet in single face area or five feet in height. Such signs shall be located not less than ten feet from any lot lines and ten feet from any street right-of-way lines. Such temporary signs shall be further subject to location standards including reference to traffic routes, vehicle sight lines, drainage, retention, ingress/egress, and existing/proposed other site signage. Permits for such signs shall be for a period not exceeding six months from the issuance of the permit. However, such permits may be renewed by the Building Commissioner for up to an additional six months if he/she determines that the construction is being diligently pursued.
   (l)   Temporary Banner Signs. One (1) temporary banner is permitted for a maximum of thirty days per event, and not more than four times a year. The total square footage of the banners shall not exceed 1.5 times the building width nor shall banners exceed three feet in height.
   (m)   Illumination of Signs. Illumination of signs shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of Section 1272.05.
   (n)   Drive-thru Menu Board. A site with an approved drive-thru restaurant facility shall be permitted one (1) Drive-thru Menu Board and one (1) Preview Board per drive-thru lane. Drive-thru Menu Boards shall not exceed forty (40) square feet in area nor seven (7) feet in height. Preview Boards shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet in area nor six (6) feet in height. Such signs shall be located adjacent to the drive-thru lane and shall be oriented or screened so as not to face or be directly visible from a public right-of-way or an adjacent residential zoning district. Drive-thru Menu Boards may be internally illuminated and information may be digitally displayed, but displays shall be static with no visible movement or motion. Drive-thru Menu Board communication systems and/or lighting shall not create an adverse effect on neighboring properties. Drive-thru Menu Boards shall not block pedestrian or vehicle sight lines. Drive-thru Menu Boards and Preview Boards shall not count against the total business sign area permitted by Section 1272.11.
      (Ord. 2021-006. Passed 3-15-21.)
   Signs for industrial uses shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Use Types Permitted.
      (1)   Directional.
      (2)   Identification.
      (3)   Nameplate.
      (4)   All other permanent signs permitted by this chapter, but specifically excluding bulletin board signs, changeable copy signs, and movement signs.
      (5)   Temporary signs permitted by this chapter.
   (b)   Structural Types Permitted.
      (1)    Ground.
      (2)   Pylon.
      (3)   Wall or panel.
         (Ord. 2009-155. Passed 11-16-09.)
   Accessory signs for Research-Development, Commercial Service, General Industrial and General Industrial-A districts shall only be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
   (a)   Ground and Pylon Signs. One permanent ground or pylon sign shall be permitted on each lot. A permanent ground or pylon sign shall not exceed fifty square feet in single face sign area, shall be located not less than twenty-five feet from any lot line and not less than 100 feet from any residential lot line, and shall be set back a minimum of ten feet from any street right-of-way line. A ground sign shall not exceed five feet in height and a pylon sign shall not exceed eight feet in height.
   No ground or pylon sign shall be allowed within a triangle formed between points on the street right-of-way line and nearest edge of an intersecting drive within thirty-five feet from their intersection.
   (b)   Wall Signs. One wall sign shall be permitted for each separate use occupying a building. The maximum sign face area of each permanent wall sign permitted for an industrial building shall not exceed fifty square feet. All wall signs shall be mounted on the building.
   (c)   Ground Directional Signs. Ground directional signs indicating traffic routes may be permitted by the Building Commissioner provided that no such sign exceeds three square feet in single face sign area, nor closer than fifteen feet to any lot line or ten feet to any street right-of-way line, and provided that no such sign exceeds three feet in height. Ground directional signs shall be permitted by the Building Commissioner based upon recommendations of the City Engineer or his designee and the City safety forces, taking into account the lot size and location relative to roadway and driveway access.
   (d)   Temporary Project Sign. One temporary ground project sign not exceeding fifty square feet in single sign face area and five feet in height shall be permitted if it is located on the lot of a proposed building or buildings under construction. Such project sign shall be located not less than 100 feet from the nearest residential lot line and not less than twenty-five feet from the nearest nonresidential lot and street right-of-way lines. Permits for such signs shall be for a period not exceeding six months from the issuance of the permit. However, such permits may be renewed by the Building Commissioner for up to an additional six months if the Building Commissioner determines that the construction is being pursued diligently.
   (e)   Other Temporary Signs. Other temporary ground signs may be permitted provided that each sign does not exceed six square feet in single face area or five feet in height. Such signs shall be located not less than twenty-five feet from any lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way lines. Illumination shall not be permitted. The total square footage for all signs on a lot shall not exceed thirty-six (36) square feet.
   (f)   Temporary Banner Signs. One temporary banner is permitted for each industrial lot for a maximum of thirty days per event and not more than four times a year. The total square footage of the banners shall not exceed 1.5 square feet times the building width and the banners shall not exceed three feet in height.
    (g)   Industrial Park Entrance Signs. In addition to the signs permitted in this section, one industrial park entrance ground or pylon sign may be permitted for a unified development or three or more buildings serviced by a common local access road. Such sign shall only identify the name and address of the industrial park. The maximum single sign face area shall not exceed seventy-five square feet. A ground sign shall not exceed five feet in height and a pylon sign shall not exceed twelve feet in height. Such sign shall be located at the vehicular entrance to the industrial park and shall be set back a minimum of thirty-five feet from the nearest street right-of-way lines and nearest edge of pavement of a private drive. No such sign shall be closer than one hundred feet to a residential lot line.
   (h)   Illumination of Signs. Signs may be illuminated, unless expressly prohibited in other sections of this Code, and all illumination must comply with Section 1272.05 of this chapter.
      (Ord. 2009-155. Passed 11-16-09.)
   (a)   A sign permit shall be required for all permanent signs and all temporary signs in any zoning district except for temporary non-commercial signs. Notwithstanding, all signs - whether a permit is required or not - must comply with the regulations of this chapter.
   (b)    Application for permits to erect, place, illuminate or alter a sign shall be made by the owner or lessee of the property for which a sign is proposed to the Building Commissioner. The application shall be submitted on forms furnished by the City and shall be made either separately or with the application for a building permit. The fee for a sign permit shall be established by separate ordinance. Applicant shall submit sufficient verification of the owner's approval.
   Each application for a sign permit shall be accompanied by drawings to scale, showing:
      (1)   The width of the building face or faces which abut the frontage street; and, for a building located on a corner lot, the building depth facing the secondary street;
      (2)    The sign design and layout proposed, including the total area of the sign and the size, height, character, materials and color of letters, lines and symbols;
      (3)    For illuminated signs, the number and types of lamps and lens material and a statement in writing that the illumination of each sign will comply with the provisions of Section 1272.05;
      (4)    The exact location of the sign in relation to the building and property lines;
      (5)   Colored photographs of existing buildings or colored rendering of proposed buildings; and
      (6)   Details and specifications for construction, erection and attachment as may be required by the Building Code and the name, address, and phone number of the sign contractor or company.
         (Ord. 2009-155. Passed 11-16-09.)
   Upon receipt of a complete application for the erection of a sign(s), the Building Commissioner shall examine the plans and specifications and the premises upon which the proposed sign is to be erected to determine that the number, size and location and construction method of such sign(s) are in compliance with the requirements of this chapter and the other applicable laws of the City.
   If found to be in compliance, the Building Commissioner shall forward the application and drawings to the Architectural Review Board, if required.
   The Board shall review the application and drawings to determine whether the proposed sign meets the standards and criteria of Chapter 1246 and further the purpose and intent of this chapter and this Zoning Code. In its review, in addition to other facts and circumstances related to the foregoing standards, criteria, purpose and intent, the Board shall consider:
   (a)   The design, size, scale, shape, color, illumination, location and orientation of the sign in relation to the site and topography, other structures and signs on the site, and adjacent and neighboring land uses, sites and buildings;
   (b)   The visual impact of the proposed sign(s) upon the overall aesthetics of the building and/or site; and
   (c)   The requirements and other regulations of this Zoning Code or other City Ordinances governing the use, location, size and character of signs.
   The Architectural Review Board shall approve or disapprove the proposed sign within fifteen (15) days of receiving a complete application. Following Architectural Review Board approval, a sign permit may be issued by the Building Commissioner upon his determination that the proposed sign is designed to meet all other applicable laws and regulations.
   Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 1272.16, signs in residential districts other than those under Section 1272.07(b) and (d) shall be processed by the Building Commissioner without referral to the Architectural Review Board. This section is not applicable to signs that do not require a permit.
(Ord. 2009-155. Passed 11-16-09.)