Signs, as permitted in the various zoning districts, shall be professionally designed, constructed and installed so as to be compatible in character with regard to the architecture of the building on the lot on which they are located, and with the material, color and size of signs designed and located on the same building and on adjoining buildings in order to produce an overall unified effect in accordance with the standards set forth in this section.
(a) Wall or Panel Signs. A wall or panel sign shall not project more than twelve inches from the building wall to which it is attached and shall be set back from the end of a building or party wall line for a distance of at least three feet and shall not project above the building wall or coping of a mansard roof.
(b) Projecting Signs. Projecting signs shall not extend more than three feet from the face of a building and the lowest portion of such sign shall not be less than eight feet above the finished grade of a sidewalk, or other pedestrian way, and not less than fifteen feet above the finished grade of a vehicular way.
(c) Sign Height. Maximum height of freestanding signs shall be in accordance with the height limitations as specified in their respective zoning district's regulations.
(d) Vertical Dimension. The lowest member of all signs which are supported or suspended from a building shall not be less than eight feet above the finished grade of a sidewalk or other pedestrian way. If located over a pavement used for vehicular traffic or within eighteen inches of the vertical projection of the edges of such pavement, the lowest member of the sign shall not be less than fifteen feet above the finished pavement.
(e) Relation to Openings. Signs shall not project over or obstruct the required windows or doors of any building.
(f) Relation to Traffic Devices. Signs shall not be erected so as to obstruct sight lines along any public way, traffic control signals, street name signs, or street sight lines or signals at railroad grade crossings. Signs visible from the sight lines along any street shall not contain an arrow or words such as "stop", "go", "slow", or any terms which could cause confusion with traffic signals. The movement, content, coloring or manner of illumination of any sign shall not resemble traffic control signs or signals or cause confusion with traffic signals.
(g) Movement Restrictions. No sign shall employ any parts or elements which revolve, rotate, whirl, or spin. Banners, flags, posters, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners, strings of lights, air balloons, wind-driven signs or other similar devices for the purpose of advertising are prohibited. Such devices may be permitted for Public Facilities uses, as approved by the Architectural Review Board and Building Commissioner, or for other uses as otherwise specifically permitted in this chapter.
(h) Signs on Corner Lots. No sign shall be allowed within a triangle formed between points on the front and side street right-of-way lines within thirty-five feet from their intersection.
(i) Continuity. Signs seen in series on a building wall or walls, shall have a continuity of design with respect to shape, materials, color and placement.
(j) Style and Color. The style or design of signs shall be consistent throughout a particular building or group of buildings; the colors of signs shall be compatible with the color of the building facade(s) and other existing and proposed signs.
(k) Graphics. The lettering on a sign shall be clearly legible and in scale with the sign surface upon which it is placed.
(l) Materials. Signs shall be constructed of materials which are of appropriate quality and durability, and which are compatible with the materials of the building upon which such signs are placed.
(m) Structural Design. The construction, erection and maintenance of all signs shall be in compliance with this chapter and the Building Code and all other applicable municipal standards and regulations; provided, however, that in every instance the most restrictive standard shall govern.
(Ord. 2021-006. Passed 3-15-21.)
(a) This section is to provide reasonable lighting standards for signage in all districts to promote aesthetic value without compromising the health, safety and welfare of the community.
(b) An application must be submitted for each sign that the property owner requests be illuminated.
(c) The submittal of an application for the illumination of a sign in a Residential Zoning district shall be reviewed and acted upon by the Building Commissioner. The illumination of signs in Residential Zoning Districts shall meet the following standards:
(1) Light sources to illuminate permanent signs located inside or outside of buildings shall not be of excessive brightness or cause glare hazardous to pedestrians or drivers of automobiles, or be objectionable to adjacent Residential Districts. “Excessive brightness” shall be defined as any sign that emits more than 10.00 Footcandles (equivalent to 10.00 Lumen per square foot) of light when measured at night, three feet perpendicular from the center of any sign face.
(d) The Building Commissioner may adopt rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this chapter dealing with illuminated signs in Residential Zoning Districts.
(e) The submittal of an application for the illumination of signs in all other zoning districts (other than Residential Districts), shall be reviewed and acted upon by the Architectural Review Board. The illumination of signs in all other zoning districts shall meet the following standards:
(1) Light sources to illuminate permanent signs located inside or outside of buildings shall not be of excessive brightness or cause glare hazardous to pedestrians or drivers of automobiles, or be objectionable to adjacent Residential Districts. “Excessive brightness” shall be defined as any sign that emits more than 10.00 Footcandles (equivalent to 10.00 Lumen per square foot) of light when measured at night, three feet perpendicular from the center of any sign face.
(f) The Architectural Review Board may adopt rules and regulations to implement the provisions of this chapter dealing with illuminated signs in zoning districts other than Residential Districts.
(g) In all zoning districts, the sign lamps shall have a minimum color temperature of 3000 degrees Kelvin to 4000 degrees Kelvin, and a minimum Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 80 to 90. In all zoning districts, light sources to illuminate signs shall be shielded from all adjacent buildings and streets and shall not be of such brightness so as to cause glare, hazardous to pedestrians, or vehicle drivers, or so as to cause reasonable objection from any adjacent buildings or uses.
(Ord. 2021-006. Passed 3-15-21.)
Throughout this chapter, reference is made to the maximum permitted sign face area for single face signs. Freestanding signs may, however, have two sign faces. In such case, the maximum permitted sign face area for a single sign face shall apply to both sign faces. For example, if a sign face area of fifty square feet is permitted for a single sign face, a double-faced sign is permitted fifty square feet of sign face area for each sign face or a total of 100 square feet. No sign shall have more than two sign faces.
(Ord. 2009-155. Passed 11-16-09.)
Accessory signs in residential districts shall only be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
(a) One wall or panel sign not exceeding two square feet in sign face area shall be permitted and located on any dwelling. Illumination, if any, shall meet the requirements of Section 1272.05.
(b) One permanent ground sign not to exceed thirty square feet in single face area and five feet in height shall be permitted at each entrance to the subdivision or residential development. Such sign shall be set back not less than ten feet from any street right-of-way line and shall comply with the provisions for signs on corner lots as set forth in Section 1272.04(h). With approval of the Building Commissioner, illumination of such signs shall be permitted if they meet the requirements of Section 1272.05.
(c) Temporary ground signs not exceeding six square feet each in single face sign area and five feet in height, shall be permitted for each lot, provided such signs shall be located not less than twenty-five feet from any lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line. The total square footage for all such signs on a residential lot shall not exceed thirty-six square feet. Illumination of such signs shall not be permitted.
(d) One temporary project ground sign not exceeding twenty-five square feet in single sign face area and eight feet in height may be permitted while a development is under construction. A temporary project ground sign shall be located not less than twenty-five feet from all street right of ways and lot lines and 100 feet from the nearest residence. Permits for such signs shall be for a period not exceeding two years from the date of issuance or upon issuance of the permit for the final sublot in that subdivision, whichever shall first occur. Illumination, if any, shall meet the requirements of Section 1272.05.
(Ord. 2009-155. Passed 11-16-09.)
Accessory signs in Public Facilities Districts shall only be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
(a) Wall/Panel Signs. One wall or panel sign not exceeding six square feet in sign face area may be located on any building. Illumination, if any, shall meet the requirements of Section 1272.05.
(b) Ground Signs. One permanent ground sign not to exceed thirty square feet in single face area and five feet in height shall be permitted for each lot within a Public Facilities District. Such sign shall be set back not less than fifteen feet from the street right-of-way line, and fifty feet from any property line. Illumination, if any, of such sign shall meet the requirements of Section 1272.05
(c) Directional Ground Signs. Directional ground signs not exceeding three square feet single face sign area and three and one-half feet in height shall be permitted on any lot, but not less than ten feet from any lot line and street right-of-way line. The number and placement of signs shall be as determined by the Building Commissioner based upon recommendations of the City safety forces and City Engineer, taking into consideration the lot size and location relative to roadway access.
(d) Ground Signs with Changeable Copy. One ground sign with changeable copy not exceeding fifty square feet in single face sign area and not exceeding five feet in height shall be permitted on the premises of each Public Facility lot within a Public Facilities zoning district, provided such sign is set back at least fifty feet from any lot line and twenty-five feet from any street right-of-way line.
(e) Temporary Signs. Temporary ground signs not exceeding six square feet each in single face sign area, and five feet in height, shall be permitted for each lot provided such signs shall be located not less than twenty-five feet from any lot line and ten feet from any street right-of-way line. The total square footage for all such signs on a Public Facilities lot shall not exceed thirty-six square feet. Illumination shall not be permitted.
(f) Temporary Banner Signs. One temporary banner sign not exceeding square footage equal to one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the width of the building unit and not exceeding three feet in height shall be permitted on a building for a maximum period of thirty days by City permit, and limited to a maximum of four times per calendar year.
(Ord. 2009-155. Passed 11-16-09.)
Signs in Office Building, Local Business, General Business, Restaurant-Recreational Services, Shopping Center and Motorist Service Districts shall be designed, erected, altered, moved and maintained, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following regulations:
(a) Use Types Permitted.
(1) Directional.
(2) Drive-thru Menu Boards on sites with an approved drive-thru restaurant facility.
(3) Nameplate.
(4) All other permanent signs permitted by this chapter, but specifically excluding bulletin board signs, changeable copy signs, and movement signs.
(5) Temporary Signs permitted by this chapter.
(b) Structural Types. Permitted as set out herein.
(1) Canopy.
(2) Ground.
(3) Projecting.
(4) Pylon.
(5) Wall or panel.
(6) Window.
(7) Pole.
(Ord. 2021-006. Passed 3-15-21.)
Signs identifying office, business and service uses shall be regulated by relating the total area of all signs to the size of the building or building unit to which the signs are accessory, in accordance with the following regulations.
(a) The maximum sign face area permitted for a building or use shall include all the surfaces of a single face sign or signs, and one surface of a double-faced sign. The area of a sign shall be measured as the minimum area which can be enclosed by a square, rectangle or triangle, or any combination thereof, the sides of which make contact with the extreme points or edges of the sign or signs, excluding the supporting structure if such structure does not form a part of the message portion of the sign. Street address numbers appearing on a sign face are excluded in the calculation of permitted sign face area. However, such numbers shall not exceed twelve inches in height.
The area of a sign composed of characters or words attached directly to a building wall or mansard roof surface shall be the sum of the area of the smallest square, rectangle or triangle which encloses the characters or words of the entire sign message.
(b) The maximum sign face area of all signs shall be related to the size of the building or building unit as follows:
(1) The "frontage of a building" shall be the width of the building facade which faces the principal street or the facade containing the main entrance of a building.
(2) The "unit of a building" or "building unit" refers to a space occupying a portion of the ground floor of a building, containing its own entrance and separated from other such spaces by a party wall or walls. Building unit width shall be the width of the unit as measured from party wall centerlines along the building frontage.
(c) A building having frontage on a corner lot may be permitted additional signage along such secondary frontage or entrance which shall, however, not exceed forty percent (40%) of the area of the signs permitted along the main building facade.
Service entrances to a retail business and service use may be identified by a nameplate on the building not exceeding two square feet in single face sign area.
(Ord. 2009-155. Passed 11-16-09.)