The following regulations shall control the planning, development and use of one-family dwellings in a planned development area.
   (a)    Development Area Occupied Exclusively by One-Family Dwellings. In the portion or portions to a development area in which one-family dwellings are constructed and maintained, it is intended that such portion or portions are to be used exclusively for one-family use and no townhouse or multifamily dwelling shall be constructed.
   (b)   Variation in Area, Yard and Height Regulations. In any Planned Development Area (PDA) District, minimum area, yard and height regulations for any one-family detached dwelling shall be in accordance with Section 1252.05, except that the following variations to such regulations may be allowed:
      (1)   Minimum lot area. The minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be 9,750 square feet.
      (2)   Minimum width of lot. Each one-family zoning lot within a PDA District shall abut upon a dedicated street for a minimum distance of seventy-five feet. On curved streets, the lot width at the front lot line may be less, provided the lot width at the building line is at least seventy-five feet.
      (3)   Minimum front yard depth. The minimum front yard depth on a local street shall be thirty feet, and on a local collector street forty feet, as measured from the street right-of-way line.
      (4)   Side yards. The side yards in a PDA District shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 1252.05.
   (c)    Yards for Accessory Buildings and Uses. The yards for accessory buildings and uses shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 1252.15.
   (d)    Dwelling Unit Area Requirements. In any PDA District, the minimum area of a one-family dwelling shall be as provided in Section 1252.22(b).
(Ord. 2012-085. Passed 9-17-12.)