The Planning Commission may control, appoint or employ professional services and may appoint clerks, draftsmen and other subordinates as it finds necessary in connection with the performance of its functions and duties. Expenditures for such services and employment shall be within the amount appropriated for such purposes by Council.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
For the purpose of making necessary surveys, engineers, agents and representatives of the Planning Commission may enter upon all property within the limits of the City. Members, agents and representatives of the Commission shall have access to all property in making any survey in connection with any matter being considered by the Commission.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
No public building or structure, street, park, playground, public ground, bridge or other public way, ground, works or utility, whether publicly or privately owned, or a part thereof, shall be constructed or authorized to be constructed within the limits of the Municipality unless and until it has been submitted to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation. In the case of disapproval, the Commission shall communicate its reasons therefor to Council and to the head of the department which has control of the construction of the proposed improvement or utility. Council, by a vote of not less than two-thirds of its members, may overrule such disapproval. If such public way, ground, works, building, structure or utility is one of which the authorization or financing does not, under the law, fall within the province of Council, the submission to the Commission shall be by the State, school, County, district, board, commission or body having jurisdiction and the Commission's disapproval may be overruled by such official board, commission or body by a vote of not less than two-thirds of its membership. The opening, widening, narrowing, relocating, vacating or change in the use of streets and other public ways, grounds and places shall be subject to similar approval, and this approval may be similarly overruled.
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
(Ord. 1978-165. Passed 10-16-78.)
The following procedures are hereby established, in addition to those procedures enumerated in various sections of the Zoning Code, for any person requesting a business, commercial or industrial development and/or improvement; a parcel split, or a subdivision of more than five lots:
(a) Business, Commercial and/or and Industrial Development and/or Improvement Requests.
(1) The applicant shall present to the Secretary of the Planning Commission, by 12:00 noon two (2) weeks preceding the desired Planning Commission meeting, an application and sixteen (16) sets of complete drawings prepared and certified by a registered surveyor, architect or engineer registered or licensed by the State of Ohio, including a site plan to scale, which site plan shall include:
A. Property lines, dimensions and acreage of the lot;
B. Permanent Parcel Number and zoning classification;
C. Existing and proposed buildings and building area in square feet;
D. Existing and proposed off-street parking and loading areas, including the number, location and dimensions of parking spaces, aisles and driveways, ingress and egress, and the type of surface and six-inch concrete curbing;
E. Proposed open space areas, including landscape treatment;
F. Building elevations and proposed exterior treatment;
G. The location of sanitary sewers and connections;
H. The drainage system, including existing and proposed grades, catch basin location, pipe size and gradient and outfall location; and
I. The location of building, parking and drives on all adjoining property.
(2) The Planning Consultant and the City Engineer will review plans and prepare reports for the Planning Commission public meeting.
(3) The applicant shall present the proposal to the Planning Commission at a public meeting.
(4) Plans shall be referred to the Architectural Review Board. The applicant shall attend the Architectural Review Board meeting.
(5) The Planning Commission may approve or disapprove based upon the recommendations of the Architectural Review Board, the City Engineer, the Planning Consultant, and the other administrative departments who report on the project. All fees must be paid prior to site plan approval.
(6) Following site plan approval, an application and four sets of complete drawings prepared by a registered architect or engineer, including mechanical, electrical, architectural and site plans, shall be filed with the Building Department. Construction drawings shall be referred to the City Engineer for review. A building permit shall be issued upon approval of the plans by the Building Commissioner and the City Engineer and payment of required fees.
(7) Any site plan approval shall expire after one year from the date of the Planning Commission confirmation if no substantial construction is completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the site plan approval. Upon timely application, the Planning Commission may extend the site plan approval for another year as long as the proposed site plan continues to meet all laws and ordinances in effect on the date of the filing of the application for extension.
(b) Parcel Split (Five Lots or Less).
(1) The applicant shall present to the Secretary of the Planning Commission, by 12:00 noon two (2) weeks preceding the desired Planning Commission meeting, an application and sixteen (16) sets of the complete drawings prepared by a registered surveyor or engineer, including:
A. A plot plan with existing and proposed property lines and dimensions;
B. The Permanent Parcel Number and existing zoning;
C. The location of existing structures on the property and on all adjoining property and other significant features (i.e. driveways); and
D. The area of existing and/or proposed lots in square feet.
(2) The Planning Consultant and the City Engineer shall review plans and prepare reports for the Planning Commission.
(3) The applicant shall present the proposal to the Planning Commission at the public meeting.
(4) The Planning Commission may approve or disapprove the parcel split.
(c) Subdivision Requests of More Than Five Lots.
(1) The applicant shall present to the Secretary of the Planning Commission, by 12:00 noon two (2) weeks preceding the desired Planning Commission meeting, an application and sixteen (16) sets of complete drawings prepared and certified by a registered engineer, surveyor or professional planner, to include:
A. A subdivision plan showing topography, proposed streets, lots, approximate lot dimensions, open space areas, identification, location and description of U.S. mail receptacles to be installed for the deposit or receipt of mail, and other site features;
B. The Permanent Parcel Number(s) and existing zoning;
C. The location of existing structures on the property and on all adjoining property and other significant features (i.e. driveways);
D. The area of existing and/or proposed lots in square feet;
E. Locations of roads, access drives, buildings and/or development on all adjoining property; and
F. Any other supplementary materials as required by the City Engineer.
(2) The Planning Consultant shall review the proposed subdivision plan for conformity to the local street plan, the Subdivision Regulations, the Zoning Code, and all other applicable laws.
(3) The applicant shall submit complete improvement plans to the City Engineer for his review for compliance with applicable ordinances and regulations of the City and federal and state laws and regulations. The City Engineer will review and prepare reports regarding engineering issues related to the subdivision plan for the Planning Commission’s consideration.
(4) The applicant shall present the subdivision plan to the Planning Commission at a public meeting. The Planning Commission may approve or disapprove the subdivision plan.
(5) A subdivision plan approved by the Planning Commission may be submitted to the Council for its consideration of approval for record purposes only.
(Ord. 2009-155. Passed 11-16-09.)