Planning Commission
   33.001   Creation
   33.002   Appointment
   33.003   Vacancies and replacement
   33.004   Organization
   33.005   Quorum
   33.006   Minutes/records
   33.007   Objectives
   33.008   Open meetings
   33.025   Reserved
Natural Resources Board
   33.045   Creation
   33.046   Objectives
   33.047   Appointment
   33.048   Vacancies and replacement
   33.049   Organization
   33.050   Quorum
   33.051   Minutes/records
   33.052   Open meetings
   33.053   Objectives
Water Utility Board
   33.065   Creation
   33.066   Objectives
   33.067   Appointment
   33.068   Vacancies and replacement
   33.069   Minutes/records
   33.070   Open meetings
   33.071   Quorum
Finance Advisory Board
   33.085   Creation
   33.086   Objectives
   33.087   Appointment
   33.088   Vacancies and replacement
   33.089   Organization
   33.090   Minutes/records
   33.091   Open meetings
   33.092   Quorum
Roads Advisory Board
   33.110   Creation
   33.111   Objectives
   33.112   Appointment
   33.113   Vacancies and replacement
   33.114   Organization
   33.115   Minutes/records
   33.116   Quorum
Travel And Tourism Board
   33.120   Creation
   33.121   Objectives
   33.122   Appointment
   33.123   Vacancies and replacement
   33.124   Organization
   33.125   Minutes/records
   33.126   Quorum
§ 33.001 CREATION.
   There is hereby created a Planning Commission for the town, which shall consist of four regular members and one alternate member, whom shall be qualified electors of the town and shall serve without compensation.
(Prior Code, § 2.16.010) (Ord. 2006-04, passed 11-15-2006; Ord. 2023-07, passed - -2023; Ord. 2024-18, passed 12-10-2024)
   (A)   Regular members. The four "regular" members of the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent and approval of the Town Council for a term of three years. Appointments and terms should be staggered such that a maximum of two will be planned to expire each year at the end of the town's fiscal year. Members may be eligible for reappointment.
   (B)   Chairperson. The Mayor by title, shall serve as Chairperson of the Planning Commission. The Chairperson shall only vote in the case of a tie as the tie-breaking vote.
   (C)   Alternate member. An additional member, known as the "alternate" member of the Planning Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent and approval of the Town Council for a term of one year. The term will become effective upon appointment by the Mayor and will expire at the end of the town's fiscal year. The alternate member may be eligible for reappointment. The alternate member will have the same responsibilities and duties of a regular member, except voting will be limited to those situations where the number of regular members present is less than what is required for a quorum.
   (D)   Expert advice. The Chairperson of the Planning Commission may, from time to time seek advice or expertise from certain experts to provide advice and counsel to the Commission. Experts will be sought based on professional land use skills, knowledge or experience and agree to assist the regular members on a meeting-by-meeting basis.
(Prior Code, § 2.16.020) (Ord. 2006-04, passed 11-15-2006; Ord. 2023-1, passed 4-11-2023; Ord. 2023-07, passed - -2023; Ord. 2024-18, passed 12-10-2024)