(A)   Council Liaison (non-voting). The Mayor shall assign a Councilman as a liaison to the Financial Advisory Board.
   (B)   The Town Treasurer (by title) shall automatically be a voting member of the Finance Advisory Board.
   (C)   Regular members. The regular members of the Finance Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the consent and approval of the Town Council, for a term of three years. Appointments and terms should be staggered such that a maximum of any two will be planned to expire each year at the end of the town's fiscal year. Members may be eligible for re-appointment.
   (D)   Advisory members. The Chairperson of the Finance Advisory Board may, from time to time, appoint certain advisory members to provide advice and counsel to the Board. Advisory members will be appointed based on special skills, knowledge or experience and agree to assist the regular members.
(Prior Code, § 2.20.030) (Ord. 2018-20, passed 10-24-2018; Ord. 2021-06, passed 6-15-2021)