R-1 Single Family Residential District.
R-2 Medium Density Residential District.
R-3 High Density Residential District.
C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District.
C-2 General Commercial.
C-3 High Density Commercial.
District Regulations Table.
Permitted Land Use Table.
Zoning Districts - W. Va. Code 8A-7-2
Districts Defined - P. & Z. 1313.01(k)
District Changes - P. & Z. 1319
(a) The purpose of the R-1 Single Family Residential District is to:
(1) To establish residential density areas consisting of single-family dwelling and compatible uses.
(2) Preserve the desirable character of existing single-family neighborhoods, and
(3) Protect single family residential areas from change and intrusion that may cause deterioration, and provide for adequate light, ventilation, quiet, and privacy for neighborhood residents.
(c) Setbacks.
(1) Accessory structures shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all rear and side property lines.
(2) The alignment provisions shall apply.
(3) Architectural features may project into a required setback as provided below:
(4) Fire escapes, chimneys, cornices, awnings, canopies, eaves, sills, pilasters, lintels, gutters or other similar features may extend into a setback a distance not exceeding three (3) feet, except that such features shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
(5) Uncovered stairs, landings and porches shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
(6) No permitted encroachment noted above shall extend to within three (3) feet of an accessory structure.
(7) Fences, walls, terraces, steps or other similar features may encroach into a required setback. Such appurtenances shall not be located within access, drainage, or utility easements.
(8) HVAC mechanical units may be located no closer than three (3) feet to a side lot line.
(9) Parking shall be permitted in the front setback only on approved driveways.
(10) Driveway and Fencing permits will require the submission of a boundary survey. This survey must be performed within the last twelve (12) months.
(d) Building Height.
(1) The maximum height of an accessory structure shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet, except as provided in Section 1333.27.
(e) Performance Standards.
(1) All residential construction shall substantially conform in street orientation and massing to adjacent interior lot homes.
(2) Homes are encouraged to have substantial front porches oriented toward primary street frontage. Covered front porches shall not count toward the permitted maximum lot coverage.
(f) Permitted, Accessory and Conditional Uses.
(1) Principal uses shall be limited to the following:
A. Single Family dwelling
B. Historic or monument site Public and private parks, but not including commercial activities, except that not-for-profit organizations may conduct temporary commercial activities.
C. Only one (1) principal residential structure shall be permitted per lot of record.
(Note: See Appendix A Permitted Land Use Table 5-1-A1)
(2) Accessory uses shall be limited to the following:
A. Accessory buildings such as garages, greenhouses, storage sheds
B. Home occupations
C. Fences enclosing a side and rear yard, which are not to exceed six (6) feet in height. Fences enclosing a front yard or front setback are not to exceed four (4) feet in height.
(g) Signage. See Appendix C for Sign Performance Standards and for Sign Design Ordinance.
(Ord. 2023-02. Passed 4-17-23.)
(a) The purpose of the R-2 Medium Density Residential District is to:
(1) Stabilize and protect medium density areas by reducing hazards to the living environment, and
(2) Provide for a varied residential pattern suitable to the needs of the population by encouraging a range of dwelling types, and
(3) Preserve the desirable character of existing medium density family neighborhoods, and
(4) Protect the medium density residential areas from change and intrusion that may cause deterioration, and
(5) Provide for adequate light, ventilation, quiet, and privacy for neighborhood residents
(b) Lot Provisions.
(c) Setbacks.
(1) Accessory structures shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all rear and side property lines.
(2) The alignment provisions shall apply.
(3) Architectural features may project into a required setback as provided below:
A. Fire escapes, chimneys, cornices, awnings, canopies, eaves, sills, pilasters, lintels, gutters or other similar features may extend into a setback a distance not exceeding three (3) feet, except that such features shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
B. Uncovered stairs, landings and porches shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
C. No permitted encroachment noted above shall extend to within three (3) feet of an accessory structure.
D. Fences, walls, terraces, steps or other similar features may encroach into a required setback. Such appurtenances shall not be located within access, drainage, or utility easements.
E. HVAC mechanical units may be located no closer than three (3) feet to a side lot line.
F. Parking shall be permitted in the front setback only on approved driveways.
(4) Driveway and Fencing permits will require the submission of a boundary survey. This survey must be performed within the last twelve (12) months.
(d) Building Height.
(1) The maximum height of an accessory structure shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet, except as provided in Section 1333.27.
(e) Performance Standards.
(1) All residential construction shall substantially conform in street orientation and massing to adjacent interior lot homes.
(2) Homes are encouraged to have substantial front porches oriented toward primary street frontage. Covered front porches shall not count toward the permitted maximum lot coverage.
(f) Permitted, Accessory and Conditional Uses.
(1) Principal uses shall be limited to the following:
A. Single Family dwelling
B. Two-family dwelling
C. Triplet/Quad Family dwelling
D. Townhouse dwelling
E. Historic or monument site
F. Public and private parks, but not including commercial activities, except that not-for-profit organizations may conduct temporary commercial activities
(2) Accessory uses shall be limited to the following:
A. Accessory buildings such as garages, greenhouses, storage sheds
B. Home occupations
C. Fences enclosing a side and rear yard, which are not to exceed six (6) feet in height. Fences enclosing a front yard or front setback are not to exceed four (4) feet in height.
(g) Signage. See Appendix C for Sign Performance Standards and for Sign Design Ordinance.
(Ord. 2023-02. Passed 4-17-23.)
(a) The purpose of the R-3 High Density Residential District is to:
(1) Provide for a variety of housing density and types, and customary accessory uses at a density higher than in other City neighborhoods, and
(2) Preserve the desirable character of existing high density residential neighborhoods, and
(3) Provide for adequate light, ventilation, quiet, and privacy for neighborhood residents.
(b) Lot Provisions.
(c) Setbacks.
(1) Accessory structures shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all rear and side property lines.
(2) The alignment provisions shall apply.
(3) Architectural features may project into a required setback as provided below:
A. Fire escapes, chimneys, cornices, awnings, canopies, eaves, sills, pilasters, lintels, gutters or other similar features may extend into a setback a distance not exceeding three (3) feet, except that such features shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
B. Uncovered stairs, landings and porches shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
C. No permitted encroachment noted above shall extend to within three (3) feet of an accessory structure.
D. Fences, walls, terraces, steps or other similar features may encroach into a required setback. Such appurtenances shall not be located within access, drainage, or utility easements.
E. HVAC mechanical units may be located no closer than three (3) feet to a side lot line.
F. Parking shall be permitted in the front setback only on approved driveways.
(4) Driveway and Fencing permits will require the submission of a boundary survey. This survey must be performed within the last twelve (12) months.
(d) Building Height.
(1) The maximum height of an accessory structure shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet, except as provided in Section 1333.27.
(e) Performance Standards.
(1) All residential construction shall substantially conform in street orientation and massing to adjacent interior lot homes.
(2) Homes are encouraged to have substantial front porches oriented toward primary street frontage. Covered front porches shall not count toward the permitted maximum lot coverage.
(f) Permitted, Accessory and Conditional Uses.
(1) Principal uses shall be limited to the following:
A. Single Family dwelling
B. Two-family dwelling
C. Triplet/Quad Family dwelling
D. Townhouse dwelling
E. Apartment(s)
F. Historic or monument site
G. Public and private parks, but not including commercial activities, except that not-for-profit organizations may conduct temporary commercial activities
(2) Accessory uses shall be limited to the following:
A. Accessory buildings such as garages, greenhouses, storage sheds
B. Home occupations
C. Fences enclosing a side and rear yard, which are not to exceed six (6) feet in height. Fences enclosing a front yard or front setback are not to exceed four (4) feet in height.
(g) Signage. See Appendix C for Sign Performance Standards and for Sign Design Ordinance.
(Ord. 2023-02. Passed 4-17-23.)
(a) The purpose of the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District is to:
(1) Create and maintain neighborhood shopping areas primarily accommodating offices, personal services and retail establishments of moderate size, serving the immediate neighborhood, and
(2) Provide neighborhood residential areas generally within one-eighth to one-quarter mile radius with limited, convenient services, and
(3) Regulate neighborhood commercial land uses to minimize their impact on surrounding residential properties.
(b) Lot Provisions.
(c) Setbacks.
(1) Accessory structures shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all rear and side property lines.
(2) The alignment provisions in shall apply.
(3) Architectural features may project into a required setback as provided below:
A. Fire escapes, chimneys, cornices, awnings, canopies, eaves, sills, pilasters, lintels, gutters or other similar features may extend into a setback a distance not exceeding three (3) feet, except that such features shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
B. Uncovered stairs, landings and porches shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
(4) No permitted encroachment noted above shall extend to within three (3) feet of an accessory structure.
(5) Fences, walls, terraces, steps or other similar features may encroach into a required setback. Such appurtenances shall not be located within access, drainage, or utility easements.
(6) HVAC mechanical units may be located no closer than three (3) feet to a side lot line.
(7) Parking shall be permitted in the front setback only on approved driveways.
(d) Building Height.
(1) The maximum height of an accessory structure shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet, except as provided in Section 1333.27.
(e) Performance Standards.
(1) All construction shall substantially conform in street orientation and massing to adjacent structures, except where this shall cause conflict with other provisions.
(2) Single family homes are encouraged to have substantial front porches oriented toward primary street frontage. Covered front porches shall not count toward the permitted maximum lot coverage.
(3) No open storage shall be permitted.
(4) Maximum gross square footage of commercial structures shall be limited to 4,000.
(f) Permitted, Accessory and Conditional Uses.
(g) Signage. See Section 1333.16 and Appendix C for Sign Performance Standards and for Sign Design Ordinance.
(Ord. 2023-02. Passed 4-17-23.)
(a) The purpose of the C-2 General Commercial District is to:
(1) Create and maintain major commercial areas accommodating a broad range of office, retail and other commercial activities of community-wide significance and regulate such commercial uses so as to minimize their impact on surrounding residential neighborhoods.
(b) Lot Provisions.
(c) Setbacks.
(1) Accessory structures shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all rear and side property lines.
(2) The alignment provisions in shall apply.
(3) Architectural features may project into a required setback as provided below:
A. Fire escapes, chimneys, cornices, awnings, canopies, eaves, sills, pilasters, lintels, gutters or other similar features may extend into a setback a distance not exceeding three (3) feet, except that such features shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
B. Uncovered stairs, landings and porches shall not extend closer than three (3) feet from the property line.
(4) No permitted encroachment noted above shall extend to within three (3) feet of an accessory structure.
(5) Fences, walls, terraces, steps or other similar features may encroach into a required setback. Such appurtenances shall not be located within access, drainage, or utility easements.
(6) HVAC mechanical units may be located no closer than three (3) feet to a side lot line.
(7) Parking shall be permitted in the front setback only on approved driveways.
(d) Building Height.
(1) The maximum height of an accessory structure shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet, except as provided in Section 1333.27.
(e) Performance Standards.
(1) All construction shall substantially conform in street orientation and massing to adjacent structures, except where this shall cause conflict with other provisions.
(f) Permitted, Accessory and Conditional Uses.
(g) Development Standards. See for Miscellaneous Development Standards.
(h) Signage. See Section 1333.16 and Appendix C for Sign Performance Standards and for Sign Design Ordinance.
(Ord. 2023-02. Passed 4-17-23.)
(a) The purpose of the C-3 High Density Commercial District is to:
(1) Provide for a wide range of commercial uses, whole nature of business requires convenient automobile and truck access. Such uses must be accessible to the City as well as the entire region. They must be planned in such a way as to promote and protect commercial and working areas.
(2) To provide for the orderly development and concentration of highway and arterial commercial uses at appropriate locations; and to encourage the development of such uses and in such a manner as to minimize traffic hazards and interference with other uses in the vicinity.
(b) Lot Provisions.
(c) Setbacks.
(1) Accessory structures shall be set back at least three (3) feet from all rear and side property Lines.
(2) The alignment provisions shall apply.
(3) Architectural features may project into a required setback as provided below:
A. Fire escapes, chimneys, cornices, awnings, canopies, eaves, sills, pilasters,
(4) Parking shall be permitted in the front setback only on approved driveways.
(d) Building Height.
(1) The maximum height of an accessory structure shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet, except as provided in Section 1333.27.
(e) Performance Standards.
(1) All construction shall substantially conform in street orientation and massing to adjacent structures, except where this shall cause conflict with other provisions.
(f) Permitted, Accessory and Conditional Uses.
(g) Signage. See Section 1333.16 and Appendix C for Sign Performance Standards and for Sign Design Ordinance.
(Ord. 2023-02. Passed 4-17-23.)
(EDITOR’S NOTE: See Appendix A, Table 5-1-A2 for District Regulations Table.)