   (a)   Any business seeking to operate a shared electric scooter program within the City shall first enter into an Electric Scooter Use Agreement ("Use Agreement") from the City conditioned on compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance and any other conditions (including insurance, indemnity, and performance bond) established by Use Agreement.
   (b)   No business shall operate a shared electric scooter program within the City except pursuant to such Use Agreement and provisions (each such operator being considered a "Provider").
   (c)   Providers shall provide easily visible contact information, including toll-free phone number and/or e-mail address on each shared electric scooter for City employees and/or members of the public to make relocation requests or to report other issues with devices.
   (d)   The City reserves the right to terminate a Use Agreement for cause or woefully negligent practices that cannot be remedied after a 30-day written notice of alleged negligence and after providing such Provider a right to remedy such deficiency. Upon completion of the aforementioned, the City can require that a Provider's fleet of E-Scooters be removed from the City's right-of-way within 30 days.
   (e)   Providers will take reasonable steps to ensure that all riders understand the requirements of ADA accessibility and the importance of leaving ADA paths of travel clear and accessible.
   (f)   Providers may stage its E-Scooters in permitted parking areas described in this Chapter. To the extent a Provider desires to stage E-Scooters in areas other than the public right-of-way, the Provider must first obtain the right to do so from the City Manager's Office, property owner, or public agency.
   (g)   Provider must adhere to all indemnification and insurance requirements included in the Use Agreement. Failure to abide by requirements of this provision or the Use Agreement is grounds for revocation under paragraph (d) above.
   E-Scooter shall mean a device weighing less than 150 pounds, which has:
   (a)   Handlebars;
   (b)   Two wheels, one in the front and one in the back;
   (c)   An electric motor (solely powered by the electric motor and/or human power);
   (d)   Has a reflector light in the back;
   (e)   Lamp pointed forward in the front; and
   (f)   A maximum speed of no more than 20 mph on a paved level surface when powered solely by the electric motor.
   Operators of E-Scooters must adhere to the following restrictions:
   (a)   E-Scooters cannot be operated on sidewalks except as described in Section 377.06(a).
   (b)   E-Scooters cannot be operated on streets or highways with speed limits higher than 35mph.
   (c)   E-Scooters cannot exceed 20 mph.
   (d)   E-Scooter riders must be at least 18 years of age.
   (e)   E-Scooter riders must be seated if a seat if present on the E-Scooter; if not, must be standing on a standing board.
   (f)   Not more than one rider per E-Scooter is permitted.
   (g)   Riders shall not carry items that require both hands, a rider must keep one hand on the steering handle bars at all times.
   (h)   Riders cannot operate an E-Scooter without due regard for safety, exercising reasonable and ordinary control over the device.
   (i)   Riders cannot weave or zigzag while operating an E-Scooter.
   (a)   E-scooters may be operated on shared bicycle/pedestrian ways, including on such shared bicycle/pedestrian ways in public parks as well as streets, and where available, in bike lanes and bike paths.
   (b)   Any person riding an E-Scooter upon a bicycle/pedestrian way who is approaching a pedestrian lawfully using such way shall give audible warning and shall yield to such pedestrian, dismounting if necessary to do so.
      (1)   E-Scooters are to stay to the right of street lanes and to offer the right of way to bicycles in bike lanes and on bike paths.
      (2)   The SCO and Ohio Revised Code pertaining to traffic law applies when operation upon any street or highway;
      (3)   A person who commits any such violation while operating an E-Scooter shall not have any points assessed against the person's driver's license, commercial driver's license, temporary instruction permit, or probationary license under Chapter 4510 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   (a)   Riders of E-Scooters shall park devices upright on hard surfaces on the curb of the sidewalk, beside a bicycle rack or in another area specifically designated for bicycle parking, or on the street next to an unmarked curb.
   (b)   Riders shall not park E-Scooters in such a manner as to block the pedestrian clear zone area of the sidewalk; ADA paths of travel including accessible ramps, any fire hydrant, call box, or other emergency facility; bus bench; or utility pole or box.
   (c)   Riders shall not park E-Scooters in such a manner as to impede or interfere with the reasonable use of any commercial window display or access to or from any building entrance/exit doorway.
   (d)   Riders shall not park E-Scooters in such a manner as to impede or interfere with the reasonable use of any bicycle rack or news rack.
   (e)   Riders may park E-Scooters in on-street parking spaces in the following circumstances:
      (1)   When marked parking spaces are officially designated stations for such devices;
      (2)   Where the curb is less than three feet wide;
      (3)   In neighborhoods with rolled curbs or with inadequate sidewalk space;
      (4)   In marked parking spaces designated for motorcycles.
   (f)   Riders may park E-Scooters on blocks without sidewalks only if the travel lane(s) and six-foot pedestrian clear zone are not impeded.
   (g)   Riders shall not park E-Scooters directly adjacent to or within the following areas, such that access is impeded:
      (1)   Transit zones, including bus stops, shelters, passenger waiting areas and bus layover and staging zones, except at existing bicycle racks;
      (2)   Loading zones;
      (3)   Disabled parking zone;
      (4)   Street curb that requires pedestrian access (e.g., benches, parking pay stations, bus shelters, transit information signs, etc.);
      (5)   Curb ramps;
      (6)   Entryways; and
      (7)   Driveways.
377.08 PENALTY.
   Whoever violates Sections 377.05, 377.06 and 377.07 above is guilty of a minor misdemeanor under Section 303.99(b).