(A) The town shall authorize the requested special event activity unless it finds that:
(1) The conduct of the activity will require the assignment of so many police officers that the remainder of the town cannot adequately be protected;
(2) The activity will interfere with the movement of emergency vehicles to such an extent that adequate police, fire, or other emergency services cannot be adequately provided throughout the town;
(3) Allowing the activity to be held would constitute a clear and present danger to the public health or safety;
(4) The activity, if held at the time or location proposed, will cause an unreasonable and unwarranted disruption to vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
(5) The activity will work a severe hardship on property owners or property occupants near the special event location as a result of the denial of access to their properties or for other substantial reasons;
(6) The person in charge and/or the sponsor of the activity has failed to obtain or does not intend to obtain any and all necessary permits or licenses, or the application is otherwise in violation of any provision of the Town of Sparta Code of Ordinances or other applicable law; or
(7) If permitted, the activity will conflict with any other activity previously approved under this chapter by covering any part of substantially the same area or route during substantially the same time frame as allotted to the previously approved activity.
(B) The town may attach any reasonable conditions to the issuance of approval; and any special event conducted pursuant to approval under this chapter shall be conducted strictly in accordance with the terms of the approval, including any conditions attached to the approval.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
(A) If the town finds that it cannot approve the event for any reason specified in § 94.07 of this chapter, it may request that the applicant modify its request to remove the objection(s) to the issuance of approval, and the applicant may do so without further notice or hearing.
(B) If the town finds that it cannot issue the permit for any reason specified in § 94.07 of this chapter and if modification of the request does not appear possible, the town may, in its discretion, issue approval specifying an alternative, location, route or time for special event activity.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
The town may require as a condition to the issuance of approval that the sponsor obtain a comprehensive general liability insurance policy or comparable liability insurance coverage that includes the entire area or route of the special event activity. If such policy is required, the town shall be named as an additional insured on the policy. The limits of such policy shall not be less than the following, and the town may require higher limits if it finds that the risks associated with the activity warrant such higher limits:
(A) Property damage: $50,000 for each occurrence.
(B) Bodily injury or death: $100,000 for each person, $300,000 for each occurrence.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
Any sponsor obtaining event approval pursuant to this chapter agrees as a condition of the event request and approval to indemnify the town and hold the town harmless from any expenses, including but not limited to attorney's fees, litigation costs and judgments incurred as a result of claims made for damages arising out of the permitted activity.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
(A) The Town Council may close town-maintained streets in conjunction with issuing approval for a special event.
(B) Streets maintained by the N.C. Dept. of Transportation shall be closed as provide in G.S. § 20-169 "Powers of local authorities" and the "NCDOT Parades Events Guidelines."
(C) No person may operate or park any vehicle contrary to the traffic control devices installed in accordance with this section. In the event that any such vehicle(s) remains in an otherwise closed area designated "no parking" as a part of an approved special event, the Chief of Police may issue citations or remove the vehicle(s) at the owner's expense.
(D) Within seven days prior to the start of any special event activity, the Town Manager or his or her designee shall provide notice as is reasonably possible to the occupants of each property abutting the street(s) to be closed pursuant to the approval a special event.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)