   (A)   This chapter applies to all street fairs, festivals, athletic events, carnivals, parades, marches, rallies, or other similar activities or public events not intended in whole or in part to exercise freedom protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and that require the temporary closing or obstruction of a street, sidewalk, or other public right-of-way or any segment thereof, or that otherwise substantially hinder or prevent the normal flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic along any street, sidewalk, or other public right-of-way. Any such activity covered by this chapter shall hereafter be referred to as a SPECIAL EVENT.
   (B)   This chapter shall not apply to:
      (1)   An activity occurring entirely on property owned by person, county or another unit of government;
      (2)   Funeral processions;
      (3)   Students going to and from school or participating in an educational activity where such activity is under the immediate supervision and direction of proper school authorities;
      (4)   A governmental agency acting within the scope of its functions; or
      (5)   Special events substantially administered by the Town of Sparta, or an authorized agent of the town, provided the special event is insured against accidents and liabilities by the town or by the entity acting on behalf of the town.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
   No person may run, operate, or sponsor any special event in any public street, parking lot, sidewalk, or right-of-way without approval obtained from the town in accordance with this chapter.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
   (A)   A person seeking to obtain approval for a special event shall notify the Town Manager, or his or her designee, no less than 30 days before the date the special event activity will commence. The following information shall be contained in the notification:
      (1)   The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the person seeking to conduct the special event, and the name, address, telephone, and email address of the organization with which the person is affiliated or on whose behalf the person is applying to conduct the special event (collectively "applicant");
      (2)   The name, address, telephone number, and email address for an individual who shall be designated as the "person in charge" or "responsible planner and on-site manager" of the special event;
      (3)   The requested date, time, place, and route (from starting point to ending point) of the special event, including the location where and time when the special event will assemble and disband, and any requested sidewalk or street closings;
      (4)   The anticipated number of persons, vehicles, and things that will constitute the special event (including the basis on which this estimate is made), and a description of the vehicles and things that will be part of the special event;
      (5)   A list of the number and type of animals that will be a part of the special event;
      (6)   Any barriers or traffic control devices that will be erected; location of proposed concession stands, booths, platforms, benches or bleachers, toilet facilities and garbage facilities;
      (7)   A description of the extent to which the special event will occupy all of a portion of any street or sidewalk;
      (8)   The approximate number of anticipated spectators of the special event;
      (9)   A general description of the size and composition of any banners, signs, flags, or other attention-getting devices to be used in connection with the special event;
      (10)   A general description of the activities planned during the special event, including whether any alcoholic beverages will be sold or consumed, and a sketch map of where such beverages will be sold and consumed.
      (11)   Arrangements for additional police protection and/or liability insurance.
   (B)   The sponsor of a special event that consists of a series of activities spread over more than one day shall only be required to make one notification, which will cover the entire duration of the special event. This division applies only to special event activities lasting six months or less.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
   If the town is required to provide additional police protection or any other extraordinary services or equipment, or if the Town Manager otherwise determines that such additional police or other extraordinary services or equipment should be provided for reasons related to public health or safety, the town may require the sponsor to provide additional police or to pay the town a fee sufficient to reimburse the town for providing additional police or for providing the costs of any extraordinary services or equipment provided by the town.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
   Under receipt of the event notification and applicable fees (if any are required), the Town Manager, or designee when deemed appropriate, shall circulate it to the Public Services Director, Chief of Police and any other appropriate persons for their comment. The Town Manager may arrange to have a conference on the application with the sponsor and/or applicant and one or more of the department heads listed above.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
   (A)   The Town Council shall consider all notifications for special event.
   (B)   Public hearings are not required for special events.
   (C)   The Town Council may hold a public hearing on any special event request that it deems necessary. This hearing may be held at any regular meeting of the Council.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
   (A)   The town shall authorize the requested special event activity unless it finds that:
      (1)   The conduct of the activity will require the assignment of so many police officers that the remainder of the town cannot adequately be protected;
      (2)   The activity will interfere with the movement of emergency vehicles to such an extent that adequate police, fire, or other emergency services cannot be adequately provided throughout the town;
      (3)   Allowing the activity to be held would constitute a clear and present danger to the public health or safety;
      (4)   The activity, if held at the time or location proposed, will cause an unreasonable and unwarranted disruption to vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
      (5)   The activity will work a severe hardship on property owners or property occupants near the special event location as a result of the denial of access to their properties or for other substantial reasons;
      (6)   The person in charge and/or the sponsor of the activity has failed to obtain or does not intend to obtain any and all necessary permits or licenses, or the application is otherwise in violation of any provision of the Town of Sparta Code of Ordinances or other applicable law; or
      (7)   If permitted, the activity will conflict with any other activity previously approved under this chapter by covering any part of substantially the same area or route during substantially the same time frame as allotted to the previously approved activity.
   (B)   The town may attach any reasonable conditions to the issuance of approval; and any special event conducted pursuant to approval under this chapter shall be conducted strictly in accordance with the terms of the approval, including any conditions attached to the approval.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)
   (A)   If the town finds that it cannot approve the event for any reason specified in § 94.07 of this chapter, it may request that the applicant modify its request to remove the objection(s) to the issuance of approval, and the applicant may do so without further notice or hearing.
   (B)   If the town finds that it cannot issue the permit for any reason specified in § 94.07 of this chapter and if modification of the request does not appear possible, the town may, in its discretion, issue approval specifying an alternative, location, route or time for special event activity.
(Ord. passed 5-2-2021)