General Provisions
30.01 Council elections
30.02 Elective officers and employees
30.03 Vacancies
30.15 Regular meetings
30.16 Special meetings
30.17 Adjourned meetings
30.18 Mayor presides over meeting
30.19 Order of business
30.20 Quorum
30.21 Rules of procedure
30.22 Public meetings
30.23 Minutes
(A) A Mayor and a board of five Council members shall be elected by the qualified voters of the town under the provisions of G.S. Chapter 160, Article 5.
(B) (1) In the November 1989 election, the Mayor and two highest vote getters of the Council would serve four-year terms; the next three Council members with high votes would serve two-year terms in order to establish staggered terms.
(2) Thereafter, all Council members and Mayor will be elected for four-year terms.
(Prior Code, § 2.1.01)
There shall also be elected by the Council in the month of November the following named officers and employees, who shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the Council and until their successors are elected and qualified, to wit: an attorney and other officers and employees, as it deems necessary.
(Prior Code, § 2.1.02)