General Provisions
100.001 Injuring sidewalks prohibited
100.002 Injuring new pavement prohibited
100.003 Barricades and lights; use of; disturbance of
100.004 Depositing dangerous substance or refuse on streets or sidewalks prohibited
100.005 Permission required to erect poles and wires
100.006 Openings in public ways
100.020 Permit required; application
100.021 Deposit required; disposition of deposit
100.022 Backfilling and resurfacing
100.035 Permit required; application
100.036 Grade and surface requirements
100.037 Materials; supervision of work
100.038 Driveway to be kept in good repair
Obstructions and Encroachments
100.050 Creation or maintenance of obstructions of streets or sidewalks prohibited
100.051 Display of goods on streets or sidewalks prohibited
100.052 Encroachment upon streets or property of building or structures
100.053 Storage of merchandise on sidewalks
100.054 Obstruction of drains
100.055 Obstruction of streets
House Numbering
100.070 House numbering system
100.071 Specifications for numbers; failure to number an offense
Administration and Enforcement
100.085 Commissioner of Streets and Public Improvements to supervise work and enforce provisions