General Provisions
71.001 Definitions
71.002 Obedience to police
71.003 Scene of fire
71.004 Signs and signals
71.005 Unauthorized signs
71.006 Interference with signs or signals
71.007 Advertising signs
71.008 Animals or bicycles
71.009 Lamps and other equipment on bicycles
Stop and Through Streets
71.020 Through streets
71.021 One-way streets or alleys
71.022 Stop streets
71.023 Yield right-of-way streets
71.024 Posting signs
Driving Rules
71.035 Illinois Vehicle Code; rules of the road adopted
71.036 Driving rules
71.037 Duty to report accident
71.038 Dirt-bikes, go-karts and ATVs
Equipment of Vehicles
71.050 Illinois Vehicle Code; equipment of vehicles adopted
71.051 Excessive noise; stopped vehicle
71.052 Noise; wheels
71.053 Squealing tires
71.054 Muffler
71.055 Reckless, negligent or careless driving
71.056 Excessive noise while driving
Parking Rules
71.070 Time limit parking
71.071 Parking for sale or repair
71.072 Stopping, standing or parking in specified places
71.073 Load limits
71.074 Exceptions
71.075 Towing cars away
71.076 Prima facie proof
Golf Carts
71.080 Definitions
71.081 Requirements
71.082 Permits
71.999 Penalty