Chap. 410. Uniform Traffic Code.
Chap. 414. Aircraft Regulations.
Chap. 418. Bicycles.
Chap. 422. Commercial and Heavy Vehicles.
Chap. 460. Motor Vehicle Insurance.
Chap. 466. Parades and Street Parties.
Chap. 468. Parking.
Chap. 470. Motorized Low Speed Vehicles and Motorized Skateboards.
410.01 Adoption by reference; conflicts of law.
410.02 Governmental unit defined.
410.03 File and distribution copies
410.04 Amendments
410.05 Transportation or possession of alcoholic liquor by person less than twenty-one years of age.
410.06 Vehicle immobilization; impoundment.
410.07 Forfeiture of vehicle or return to lessor.
410.08 Reckless driving.
410.09 Unmanned traffic monitoring devices.
410.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate traffic - see CHTR. Sec. 4(19)
Traffic rules and regulations in home rule cities - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 117.4h
Traffic rules and regulations generally - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 257.601 et seq., 257.634 et seq.
Uniform Traffic Code - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 257.951 et seq.
Reimbursement of costs of emergency response to traffic accidents or arrests involving alcohol or controlled substances - see ADM. Ch. 209
Application to bicycles - see TRAF. 418.01
Commercial and heavy vehicles - see TRAF. Ch. 422
Motor vehicle insurance - see TRAF. Ch. 460
Junk vehicles in R-1A or R-1B Residential Districts - see B. & H. 1422.02(BOCA PM-303.8)
Pursuant to P.A. 258, 259 and 260 of 199, there is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, the Uniform Traffic Code for Cities, Townships and Villages, 2002 Edition, herein referred to as the Uniform Traffic Code, prepared by the Michigan Department of State Police, and the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC), being Public Act 300 of 1949, being M.C.L.A. 257.1 through 257.923. An official copy of such codes are on file in the office of the City Clerk and the same is hereby adopted by reference as fully set forth herein, save and except for those provisions thereof which are hereinafter amended or deleted, and save and except that if any of the provisions of such codes conflict with any other ordinance of the City, the other provision of the Traffic Code as amended, or the ordinance of the City, as the case may be, shall control.
(Ord. 765. Passed 11-6-02; Ord. 783. Passed 9-10-03.)
The City Clerk, having published the ordinance adopting the Uniform Traffic Code in the manner required by law, and having published a supplementary notice setting forth the purpose of the Uniform Traffic Code and stating the fact that complete copies of the Code are available at the office of the City Clerk for inspection by and distribution to the public at all times, shall maintain copies in accordance with such supplementary notice.
(1974 Code § 10.3)