General Provisions and Penalty
501.01   Definitions.
501.02   Classification of offenses.
501.03   Common law offenses abrogated.
501.04   Rules of construction.
501.05   Criminal law jurisdiction.
501.06   Limitation on criminal prosecutions.
501.07   Requirements for criminal liability; voluntary intoxication.
501.08   Culpable mental states.
501.09   Attempts.
501.10   Complicity.
501.11   Organizational criminal liability.
501.12   Personal accountability for organizational conduct.
501.13   Disposition of unclaimed or forfeited property held by Police Department.
501.14   Self-defense: limitations on duty to retreat prior to using force.
501.99   Penalties for misdemeanors; suspension of driver's license.
   See section histories for similar State law
   Definition of "imprisoned" - see Ohio R.C. 1.05
   Statute of limitations for income tax violations - see Ohio R.C. 718.06
   Burden and degree of proof - see Ohio R.C. 2901.05
   Venue - see Ohio R.C. 2901.12, 2931.29 et seq.
   Sentencing for sexually oriented offenses - see GEN. OFF. 533.99