On streets with a right-of-way less than forty feet in width, the sidewalks hereafter constructed shall be at least four feet wide.
On streets with a right-of-way forty feet and over in width, the sidewalks hereafter constructed shall be at least five feet in width.
All sidewalks hereafter constructed shall be laid on a grade having a slope of three-eighths inch to a foot from the property line to the curb line of the street, except where the physical layout of buildings already create a condition rendering such three-eights inch to a foot slope impractical or unsafe. In that event such sidewalk grade or slope shall be made to meet the practical requirements then and there existing. The inner edge of sidewalks shall be laid on the property line abutting and fronting upon the street.
(Ord. 2-83. Passed 12-26-84.)
All sidewalks which are defective or in need of repair, replacement or attention must be replaced, altered or repaired by the property owner upon service of a written notice from the Building Commissioner to eliminate such defect or make such repairs. Such notice shall contain, at the minimum, the following information:
(a) The date by which the repairs are to be completed by the owner.
(Ord. 53-93. Passed 12-27-93; Ord. 06-10. Passed 1-25-10.)