§ 158.155 INTENT.
   This district is intended to provide for a wide variety of commercial uses generally located at major intersections and along major roads. This district will include general commercial uses requiring large land areas, extensive retail operations and outdoor display. Development shall coincide with completion of proper municipal and utility improvements.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 9.01) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
   A building or premises shall be permitted to be used for the following purposes in the C commercial district:
   (a)   Office;
   (b)   Bank or financial institution;
   (c)   Day care center;
   (d)   Group home;
   (e)   Mortuary services;
   (f)   Indoor recreational facility;
   (g)   Nursery or greenhouse;
   (h)   Personal services; and
   (i)   Public service facility.
   (j)   Medical cannabis establishment registered with the South Dakota Department of Health and licensed by Lincoln County, subject to:
      (1)   Must be located at least 1,000' from a single-family dwelling in the following zoning districts: A-1, RR, RS1, RS2, RD, RA1, PD. This distance shall be measured in a straight line from the exterior walls of the building (or portion thereof in which medical cannabis establishment or proposed to be conducted) to the property line of the single-family dwelling.
      (2)   Must be located at least 1,000' from a public or private school. This distance shall be measured in a straight line from the exterior walls of the building (or portion thereof in which the medical cannabis establishment is conducted or proposed to be conducted) to the property line of the public or private school.
      (3)   Must be located at least 1,000' from a church. This distance shall be measured in a straight line from the exterior walls of the building (or portion thereof in which the medical cannabis establishment is conducted or proposed to be conducted) to the property line of the church.
      (4)   Must be located at least 1,000' from a public service facility. This distance shall be measured in a straight line from the exterior walls of the building (or portion thereof in which the medical cannabis establishment is conducted or proposed to be conducted) to the property line of the public service facility.
      (5)   Must be located at least 1,000' from a park. This distance shall be measured in a straight line from the exterior walls of the building (or portion thereof in which the medical cannabis establishment is conducted or proposed to be conducted) to the property line of the park.
      (6)   Must be located at least 1,000' from another medical cannabis establishment unless located on the same parcel of property and owned by the same entity. This distance shall be measured in a straight line from the exterior walls of the building or portion thereof in which each of the medical cannabis establishments are conducted or proposed to be conducted.
      (7)   A medical cannabis establishment may contain a cultivation facility, a cannabis testing facility, a cannabis product manufacturing facility, or a dispensary, or any combination thereof, at one location.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 9.02) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006; Ord. 98-21, passed 8-24-2021; Ord. 56-22, passed 5-24-2022)
   A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the C commercial district in conformance with the conditions prescribed herein or by obtaining a conditional use permit for those uses in conformance with the requirements of §§ 158.370 through 158.382:
   (a)   Retail and wholesale trade or service, provided:
      (1)   For outside storage areas, a screening plan shall be submitted for staff approval;
      (2)   There is no storage of a regulated substance;
      (3)   The building contains 10,000 square feet of area or less; and
      (4)   Parcel size shall be no less than one acre in size.
   (b)   Veterinarian clinic provided there is no outside kenneling of dogs;
   (c)   Frozen food locker provided there is no slaughtering of animals on the premises;
   (d)   Antenna support structure, subject to, stealth design approved by the county planning director; and
   (e)   Churches; one of the principle frontages of the premises shall abut on an arterial or collector street.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 9.03) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
   A building or premises may be used for the following purposes in the C commercial district if a conditional use permit for that use has been obtained in conformance with the requirements in §§ 158.370 through 158.382:
   (a)   Drive-in theater;
   (b)   Warehouse/mini-warehouse;
   (c)   Bar, lounge or adult use;
   (d)   Equipment sales, display and repair;
   (e)   Motor vehicle sales, display, service and rental;
   (f)   Auto body shop;
   (g)   Transportation, including gasoline service station, truck stop and terminal;
   (h)   Recycling facility;
   (i)   Uses which store or handle a regulated substance;
   (j)   Lumberyard;
   (k)   Contractor’s shop and storage yard;
   (l)   Car wash;
   (m)   Airport/heliport;
   (n)   Hospital;
   (o)   Hotel or motel;
   (p)   Motor vehicle repair shop;
   (q)   Public utility facility;
   (r)   Campground;
   (s)   Commercial recreation facility;
   (t)   Wind energy conversion system in conformance with § 158.272;
   (u)   Broadcast tower;
   (v)   Electrical substation;
   (w)   Telecommunications tower;
   (x)   Off-premises signs in conformance with §§ 158.330 through 158.335; and
   (y)   Crematory.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 9.04) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
   Accessory uses permitted in the C commercial district are accessory buildings and uses customarily incident to any permitted uses in this district.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 9.05) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
   Parking within the C commercial district shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of §§ 158.295 through 158.299.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 9.06) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)
   Signs within the C commercial district shall be regulated in conformance with the provisions of §§ 158.310 through 158.318.
(1992 Code, App. F, § 9.07) (Ord. 10-06, passed 1-23-2006)