General Provisions
77.001 Safeguarding unattended vehicle
77.002 Places where restricted
77.003 Places where stopping, standing or parking prohibited
77.004 Relative rights of vehicles to single parking space
77.005 Manner of parking generally
77.006 Angle parking
77.007 Parking within markings
77.008 Obstructing snow removal and street cleaning
77.009 Parking of commercial vehicles or materials prohibited
77.010 Stopping, standing or parking near hazardous or congested places
77.011 Length of vehicle
77.012 Report of violation
77.013 Parking for persons with physical disability
Public Parking Advisory Board
77.025 Created
77.026 Composition
77.027 Meetings
77.028 Terms of office
77.029 Compensation
77.030 Officers
77.031 Quorum
77.032 Bylaws
77.033 Minutes; records
Parking Restricted or Limited
77.045 Designation of prohibited parking
77.046 Designation of limited parking
77.047 Emergency snow routes
Loading and Unloading
77.060 Parking in and blocking alleys prohibited
77.061 Designation of loading/delivery zones
77.062 Stopping, standing and parking in loading/delivery zones
77.063 Designation of public carrier stops and stands
77.064 Use of public carrier stands
77.065 Restricted use of bus and taxicab stands
Parking Meters
77.080 Designation of zones
77.081 Maintenance and regulation
77.082 City engineer establishes time limitations
77.083 Placing and indicating parking time
77.084 Marking of parking spaces
77.085 Parallel parking spaces
77.086 Purchase of time; overparking
77.087 Violations
77.088 Temporary loading permits
77.089 Outstanding parking violations
77.090 Courtesy tickets
Parking Ticket Appeals
77.105 Parking ticket appeals; time for payment or appeal
77.106 Administrative appeals procedures apply; separate processing fee authorized
77.999 Penalty
Administration, see title III
Statutory reference:
Stopping and parking restrictions, see SDCL ch. 32-30
No person driving or in charge of a motor vehicle may permit it to stand unattended without effectively setting the brake thereon and, if standing upon any grade, turning the front wheel to the curb or side of the street or highway.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.130; 1992 Code, § 40-241) Penalty, see § 77.999
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see SDCL 32-30-5
Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with law or the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device, no person shall stand or park a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except momentarily to pick up or discharge a passenger or passengers:
(a) In front of a public or private driveway approach;
(b) Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
(c) Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;
(d) Within 30 feet upon the approach to any flashing signals, stop sign, yield sign or traffic control signal located at the side of a roadway;
(e) Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station and on the side of a street opposite the entrance to any fire station within 75 feet of the entrance when properly signposted; and
(f) At any place where official signs prohibit stopping, standing or parking.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.139; 1992 Code, § 40-242) (Ord. 2423, passed 6-13-1966; Ord. 40-79, passed 5-21-1979; Ord. 41-93, passed 5-3-1993)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see SDCL 32-30-6
Except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with law or the directions of a law enforcement officer, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle:
(a) On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;
(b) On a sidewalk; unless the vehicle is attended and is being loaded or unloaded and the area adjacent to the sidewalk has been designated by appropriate signs as a sidewalk loading zone by the city engineer or unless the vehicle is properly identified as a vehicle for transporting of disabled persons, it is necessary for the vehicle to be located on the sidewalk for loading and unloading purposes, and only two wheels on the loading/unloading side are on the sidewalk;
(c) Within an intersection;
(d) On a crosswalk;
(e) Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within 30 feet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unless a different length is indicated by signs or markings;
(f) Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction, when stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic;
(g) Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or within a highway tunnel;
(h) On any railroad tracks; and
(i) Upon any street, alley or parkway for the purpose of selling or offering the same for sale or rent. Any vehicle which is parked or placed within 50 feet of the property of the residence of the owner of the vehicle is exempt from the provisions of this section.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.139; 1992 Code, § 40-243) (Ord. 2423, passed 6-13-1966; Ord. 122-82, passed 12-13-1982; Ord. 28-83, passed 5-2-1983; Ord. 46-92, passed 5-18-1992; Ord. 47-92, passed 5-18-1992; Ord. 41-93, passed 5-3-1993; Ord. 20-96, passed 2-20-1996; Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004)
Bicycles, see ch. 81
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see SDCL 32-30-6.1
(a) Whenever the driver of a vehicle is desirous of occupying a parallel parking space which is about to be vacated, he or she shall place his or her vehicle in a position in the lane nearest to the space he or she wishes to occupy with the front of his or her vehicle to the rear of the vehicle vacating the parking space. He or she shall hold this position until the parking space is vacated, after which, remaining in the same lane, the driver of the vehicle shall drive forward a sufficient distance to enable him or her to occupy the parking space by backing into the space. While backing in the process of parking, the driver of the vehicle shall have the right-of-way to the parking space.
(b) The right-of-way and procedure for occupying a single space which is already vacant shall be the same as that prescribed in division (a) above, except that it shall not be necessary for the driver to bring his or her vehicle to a halt in the rear of the space to be occupied.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.126; 1992 Code, § 40-244) (Ord. 2423, passed 6-13-1966)
Except where angle parking shall be permitted, it shall be unlawful for the driver or owner of any motor vehicle, trailer or implement to park or leave the vehicle, trailer or implement standing, attended or unattended, on any street or avenue of the city unless the vehicle, trailer or implement is parked parallel to the curb headed in the direction of traffic, with the curbside wheels of the vehicle, trailer or implement within 12 inches of the curb and no closer than four feet to any other vehicle.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.140; 1992 Code, § 40-245) (Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004) Penalty, see § 77.999
(a) The city engineer, subject to the approval of the city council, shall determine upon which streets angle parking shall be permitted and shall mark or sign the streets. Angle parking shall not be indicated or permitted at any place where passing traffic would thereby be caused or required to drive upon the left side of the street or upon any railway tracks.
(b) Upon those streets which have been signed or marked for angle parking, no person shall park or stand a vehicle other than at the angle to, and with the hood or front end of the vehicle next to the curb.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.140; 1992 Code, § 40-246) (Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004)
No vehicle shall be parked in a manner or for a period of time as to unreasonably interfere with or obstruct the removal of snow from, or the cleaning of the streets in the city.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.142; 1992 Code, § 40-248)
(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
COMMERCIAL VEHICLE. Any vehicle which is adapted, designed, equipped and used to perform a specific commercial function and which does not meet the definition of personal passenger vehicle.
MOBILE FOOD TRUCK. A licensed and operable vehicle or concession trailer, which is enclosed and self-contained, independent with respect to water, sewer, and power utilities, that contains equipment for the preparation and sale or service of food or beverages with or without charge that are designed for immediate consumption in compliance with Chapter 117 of this Code.
PERSONAL PASSENGER VEHICLE. Any car, pickup truck or van which is designed for and facilitates personal and passenger travel and has not been externally altered with features not customary to personal usage.
SERVICE VEHICLE. Any vehicle built or assembled for personal passenger use that incorporates attachments in order to support service functions. A SERVICE VEHICLE is utilized as support for service and is not utilized to perform a specific commercial function.
(b) Prohibitions. Parking and storage of commercial vehicles or materials upon city streets is prohibited as follows.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person or business to park, store, leave or permit the parking, storing or leaving of any commercial or construction vehicle, equipment or materials upon any city street.
(2) The transferring of refuse from smaller satellite vehicles to larger packer garbage trucks is prohibited on all city rights-of-way.
(c) Exceptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following:
(1) Emergency vehicles;
(2) Personal passenger vehicles;
(3) Vehicles that are disabled, provided that they are not left on public rights-of-way longer than 24 hours;
(4) Light delivery trucks delivering goods from place to place;
(5) Garbage trucks in the site-to-site collection of refuse;
(6) Vehicles in the process of loading or unloading;
(7) Vehicles, immobile equipment or materials parked in connection with a construction site for longer than 24 hours for which the owner or lessor has obtained and posted a permit from the office of city engineer and are in compliance with the rules and regulations for parking, storing or leaving construction vehicle(s), equipment or materials on city streets issued by the city engineer. The fee for this permit is $15;
(8) Vehicles parked in connection with a construction site, provided they are not left there longer than 24 hours;
(9) Vehicles or equipment which are properly signed and parked temporarily in connection with the performance of a construction or maintenance service to property on or under the city right-of-way;
(10) Service vehicles; and
(11) Mobile food trucks in compliance with Chapter 117 of this Code.
(1992 Code, § 40-249) (Ord. 43-89, passed 5-15-1989; Ord. 5-99, passed 1-4-1999; Ord. 91-06, passed 7-24-2006; Ord. 9-11, passed 3-7-2011; Ord. 118-15, passed 12-1-2015)
(a) The city engineer is hereby authorized to determine and designate by proper signs places not exceeding 1,000 feet in length in which the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles would create an especially hazardous condition or would cause unusual delay to traffic.
(b) When official signs are erected at hazardous or congested places as authorized in this section, no person shall stop, stand or park the vehicle in any place.
(1992 Code, § 40-250) (Ord. 56-90, passed 6-4-1990) Penalty, see § 77.999
All vehicles and appurtenances thereto, exceeding in length 22 feet, shall be parked at the places only as have been marked and designated for that use by the city engineer and shall be parked parallel with the curb. Mobile food trucks in compliance with Chapter 117 of this Code are exempt from § 77.011.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.144; 1992 Code, § 40-251) (Ord. 2423, passed 6-13-1966; Ord. 43-89, passed 5-15-1989; Ord. 118-15, passed 12-1-2015)
(a) If any vehicle is found parked in violation of any of the provisions of this subchapter, it shall be the duty of any police officer or parking patrol to issue a citation or parking ticket.
(b) Any vehicle in violation of this section is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and may be removed as provided in § 77.089.
(1992 Code, § 40-252) (Ord. 12-76, passed 3-8-1976; Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004)
Any vehicle not displaying a serially-numbered certificate or special license plate parked in a parking space on public or private property designated as reserved for the physically disabled shall be ticketed, and the owner of the vehicle shall be punished under the general penalty provisions of this Code.
(1992 Code, § 40-254) (Ord. 47-92, passed 5-18-1992; Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004)
There is hereby created a public parking advisory board. The board shall act as an advisory body to the mayor in executive and administrative matters, and to the city council in policy making and legislative matters affecting on-street parking, city-owned parking lots and ramps within the business improvement district defined in § 37.106 of this Code.
(1992 Code, § 40-256) (Ord. 57-73, passed 7-16-1973; Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004; Ord. 53- 21, passed 5-4-2021)
The public parking advisory board shall be composed of seven members. The members of the board shall be appointed by the mayor with advice and consent of the city council. Each member of the board shall be a registered voter of the city.
(1992 Code, § 40-257) (Ord. 57-73, passed 7-16-1973; Ord. 69-75, passed 10-6-1975; Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004; Ord. 53-21, passed 5-4-2021)
The members of the public parking advisory board shall serve for three-year staggered terms, or until their successors are appointed and qualified. Any vacancies in the membership of the public parking advisory board shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as for original appointment.
(1992 Code, § 40-257.3) (Ord. 57-73, passed 7-16-1973; Ord. 69-75, passed 10-6-1975; Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004; Ord. 53-21, passed 5-4-2021)
The board shall annually hold an election of officers and elect a president, vice-president, and a secretary. The terms of office shall be for a period of one year. No member shall be elected to the same office for more than two consecutive terms. The vice-president shall act in the absence or disability of the president. In case of death or retirement of an officer, a successor shall be elected immediately.
(1992 Code, § 40-257.6) (Ord. 57-73, passed 7-16-1973; Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004; Ord. 53- 21, passed 5-4-2021)
Wherever on any public property the curb is painted, the parking surface has strips, or an appropriate sign has been erected, by or under the direction of the city the marking or sign shall indicate a no parking zone, and it shall be unlawful for any person to park a vehicle adjacent to the curb(s) or on the pavement marking.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.107; 1992 Code, § 40-258) (Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004) Penalty, see § 77.999
No vehicle shall be parked for a longer period of time than that designated by appropriate signs. Moving a vehicle within a contiguous regulated area shall constitute a violation of this section.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.141; 1992 Code, § 40-259) (Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004) Penalty, see § 77.999
(a) The city engineer may determine and establish emergency snow routes upon any street or highway within the city or any part thereof. When signs have been erected giving notice thereof, it shall be unlawful for any person to stop, stand, park or leave unattended any motor vehicle upon the snow route immediately after two inches of snow has accumulated and until the snow has been plowed to the curblines.
(b) Any vehicle in violation of this section is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and may be removed as provided in § 71.026.
(1992 Code, § 40-260) (Ord. 15-76, passed 3-8-1976) Penalty, see § 77.999
No person shall park any vehicle in any alley except temporarily for the purpose of and while actually taking on or letting off passengers or loading or unloading or delivering goods, merchandise or other personal property, and shall not so park or shall not drive any vehicle in an alley at any time in a manner as to block the alley for traffic.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.145; 1992 Code, § 40-265) Penalty, see § 77.999
The city engineer is hereby authorized to determine the location of loading/delivery zones and shall place and maintain appropriate signs indicating the zones and stating the hours during which the provisions of this section and § 77.062 are applicable.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.167; 1992 Code, § 40-266) (Ord. 105-05, passed 10-17-2005)
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle for any purpose or length of time except during expeditious delivery or pickup of items in any place marked as a loading/delivery zone during the time that the parking is regulated per § 77.061, unless the vehicle bears commercial license plates.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.168; 1992 Code, § 40-267) (Ord. 105-05, passed 10-17-2005) Penalty, see § 77.999
The city engineer is hereby authorized and required to establish bus stops, bus stands, taxicab stands and stands for other passenger common carrier motor vehicles on the public streets in those places and in a number as he or she shall determine to be of the greatest benefit and convenience to the public, and every bus stop, bus stand, taxicab stand or other stand shall be designated by appropriate signs.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.106; 1992 Code, § 40-268)
Vehicles for hire, see ch. 124
It shall be unlawful for the operator of any bus or taxicab to stand or park the vehicle upon any street in the business district at any place other than at a designated bus or taxicab stand, except that the vehicle may be temporarily stopped in accordance with other parking regulations at any place for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.148; 1992 Code, § 40-269) Penalty, see § 77.999
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle other than a bus in a bus stop, or other than a taxicab in a taxicab stand when any stop or stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed, except that the driver of a passenger vehicle may temporarily stop therein for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading passengers when the stopping does not interfere with any bus or taxicab waiting to enter or about to enter the zone.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.168; 1992 Code, § 40-270) Penalty, see § 77.999
The director of public parking facilities is hereby authorized to establish zones to be known as parking zones on all city-owned parking lots and ramps. The zones shall be posted or metered, or both, to designate the allowed parking time in the zones.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.402; 1992 Code, § 40-276) (Ord. 1937, passed 1-6-1958; Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004)
The director of public parking facilities is hereby authorized to provide for the installation, operation, maintenance, supervision, regulation and use of the parking meters provided for in this subchapter. The director of public parking facilities shall establish the hours during the day and night when parking meters or gates must be used and when the time limitations shall be effective, in compliance with the provisions of this subchapter; and shall indicate the time limitations by designating the time on the parking meters or gates or by appropriate signs posted in proximity to the meters in those zones.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 13.404; 1992 Code, § 40-277) (Ord. 12-04, passed 2-2-2004)