The city may purchase, lease, or engage in the following without advertising for competitive bids:
   (a)   Storm-caused debris removal services.
   (b)   Sewer cleanup services.
   (c)   Any contract for the purchase of supplies from the United States or its agencies or any contract issued by the General Services Administration.
   (d)   Any purchase of supplies or services, other than professional services, by purchasing agencies from any active contract that has been awarded by any government entity by competitive sealed bids or competitive sealed proposals or from any contract that was competitively solicited and awarded within the previous 12 months.
   (e)   Any equipment repair contract.
   (f)   Any procurement of electric power, water, or natural gas; chemical and biological products; laboratory apparatus and appliances; published books, maps, periodicals and technical pamphlets; works of art for museum and public display; medical supplies; communications technologies, computer hardware and software, peripheral equipment, and related connectivity; tableware, or perishable foods.
   (g)   Any purchase of surplus property from another purchasing agency.
   (h)   Any animals purchased.
   (i)   Any purchase of supplies for any utility owned or operated by a municipality if the purchase does not exceed the limits established in SDCL 5-18A-14.
   (j)   Any contract for asbestos removal in emergency response actions and any contract for services provided by individuals or firms for consultants, audits, legal services, ambulance services, architectural services and engineering, insurance, real estate services, or auction services.
   (k)   Any purchase of equipment involving the expenditure of less than $50,000.
(1992 Code, § 34.5-12) (Ord. 25-96, passed 2-20-1996; Ord. 49-97, passed 7-7-1997; Ord. 8-99, passed 1-4-1999; Ord. 95-99, passed 9-20-1999; Ord. 55-00, passed 6-19-2000; Ord. 102-01, passed 11-13-2001; Ord. 8-03, passed 1-21-2003; Ord. 41-04, passed 4-19-2004; Ord. 51-10, passed 6-7-2010; Ord. 13-17, passed 1-17-2017)