On or before the 1st day of June of each year, the mayor shall deliver to the city council a list of all organizations and amounts proposed to be budgeted for subsidy agreements in the mayor’s recommended budget for the ensuing fiscal year, along with a brief description of each program and purpose, financial results, and an accounting of key data relating and pertaining to the program’s impact and stated objectives from the prior agreement year. All subsidy agreements of the city shall contain a provision requiring each contracting party, intending to request funding for the ensuing fiscal year, to provide to the mayor and the department liaison financial results and an accounting of key data relating and pertaining to the program’s impact and stated objectives from the prior agreement year. Each contracting party shall provide such information to the mayor and the department liaison on or before the 15th day of May each year.
(Ord. 44-24, passed 5-14-2024)