(a) Appointments and promotions. All appointments and promotions of city officers and employees shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness.
(b) Civil service system. The city council shall provide by ordinance for the establishment, regulation, and maintenance of a civil service system governing personnel policies necessary to effect the administration of the employees of the city’s departments, offices, and agencies. The city council shall provide by ordinance for classification and pay plans, examinations, force reduction, removals, working conditions, provisional and exempt appointments, in-service training, civil service appeal procedures to address grievances of employees, and relationship with employee organizations.
(Ref. of 5-7-96)
There shall be a legal officer of the city appointed by the mayor effective with the advice and consent of five (5) or more members of the council. Notwithstanding Charter Section 2.05(b), the legal officer may be removed by an affirmative vote of six (6) or more members of the council or by the mayor with the consent of five (5) or more members of the council. The consent of a majority of the council is not required for the expiration of the legal officer's term of office that occurs upon the mayor's expiration of term of office. The legal officer shall serve as chief legal advisor to the city council, the mayor and all city departments, offices and agencies, shall perform any other duties prescribed by state law, by this charter or by ordinance, and shall handle or monitor the representation of the city in legal proceedings. The role of the legal officer is to provide counsel in the best interest of the city, not the interest of one inquiring source.
(4-11-00, § F; 4-8-14, § C; 4-12-22, § B)
Consistent with all applicable federal and state laws with respect to land use, development, and environmental protection, the city council shall:
(1) Designate an agency or agencies to carry out the planning function and such decision-making responsibilities as may be specified by ordinance;
(2) Adopt a comprehensive plan and determine to what extent zoning and other land use control ordinances must be consistent with the plan; and
(3) Adopt development regulations, to be specified by ordinance, to implement the plan.