Section 3.04 Mayor’s power to veto legislation.
   Within four (4) business days after the adjournment of any council meeting, the city clerk shall present to the mayor the record of proceedings of the meeting and all ordinances and resolutions adopted at the meeting. The mayor, within seven days of receipt of an ordinance or resolution, shall return it to the city clerk with or without approval, or with a veto. If an ordinance or resolution is vetoed, the mayor shall attach a written statement explaining the reasons for the veto. Ordinances or resolutions vetoed by the mayor shall be considered at the next regular meeting of the council, and the council may pass the ordinance or resolution over the veto by the affirmative vote of six of its members. The effective date of an ordinance or resolution passed over the mayoral veto shall not be less than 20 days after the date of publication. The mayor’s veto power shall extend to disapproving or reducing individual appropriation items in the budget or any ordinance or resolution, except appropriations for auditing or investigating any part of the executive branch. The mayor shall not have the power to veto any emergency ordinance.
(4-11-00, § D)