   (A)   Entering station or using equipment. No person shall enter or be allowed to enter the fire station unless accompanied by a member of the Department, unless authorized so to enter by a member of the Department or the administrative official. No person not a member of the Department shall use any of the fire apparatus at fires or otherwise unless acting under orders of the officer of the Fire Department in charge of the fire, nor shall any person interfere in any way with the Department or any member of the Department, in the performance of his, her, or its duty.
   (B)   Responding to fire alarm; parking near fire hydrant.
      (1)   Upon hearing a fire alarm, all drivers of vehicles shall take due warning and, upon the approach of fire apparatus, shall move promptly to the right curb and stop in order to leave the middle of the street clear for passage of the fire apparatus.
      (2)   Vehicles shall not follow fire apparatus nearer than one full block and shall not proceed to any point within one full block of the fire.
      (3)   This division (B) shall not apply to those vehicles driven by members of the Department proceeding to the fire for the purpose of assistance in its extinguishment.
      (4)   No vehicle shall be parked within 15 feet of any fire hydrant or before the entrance to any theater, hall, or other building in which large assemblages are held, and no vehicles shall be driven over any fire hose or other firefighting apparatus.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-13) Penalty, see § 6-2-20
   The Water Department or its equivalent shall cooperate in every way possible with the Fire Department, to provide an adequate supply at pressures suitable for firefighting, and shall supply the fire department one or more accurate maps of the water distributing system, showing the size and location of all mains, valves, and fire hydrants, which shall be posted and maintained in a conspicuous place in the fire station, and shall report promptly regarding the mains, and any other information relative to the water supply to any and all parts of the town, which information shall also be posted for the information of firefighters and other interested residents of the town.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-14)
   Firefighting apparatus and other town property in the charge of the Department shall not be loaned or rented except by permission of the Chief of the Department and the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-15)
   No person shall knowingly give a false alarm of fire except those for test purposes of the alarm system, given or authorized by the Chief.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-16) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024) Penalty, see § 6-2-20
   (A)   Compliance required; filing of complaint for noncompliance.
      (1)   Upon the receipt of an order from the Fire Chief to abate any dangerous condition or fire hazard as described in this chapter, the owner or proprietor of the premises upon which the fire hazard or dangerous condition exists shall comply at once with the order.
      (2)   If the owner or proprietor has not complied with the order within three days following its issuance, the Fire Chief shall sign and file a complaint with the Municipal Judge of the town, accusing the owner or proprietor of a misdemeanor and setting forth the nature of the offense committed.
   (B)   Failure to comply. If convicted, the defendant named in the complaint shall be fined as provided in this chapter and shall be ordered by the Municipal Court Judge to comply with the order of the Fire Chief, and thereafter, every day that the offensive condition is continued in existence shall constitute a separate and punishable offense, in addition to which a separate fine for contempt of court may be imposed. The Municipal Judge may permit the defendant a longer time in which to abate the condition if he or she deems leniency necessary.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-17) Penalty, see § 6-2-20
   (A)   Notify Council of fire hazard. In those instances in which a fire hazard or dangerous condition is found to exist as provided in this chapter and the owner or proprietor of the premises is not to be found within the town, nor otherwise available upon the exertion of reasonable effort upon the part of the Fire Chief, or refuses or fails to remedy the hazard or condition, the Fire Chief shall notify the Council at the next regular meeting of the existence of the fire hazard or dangerous condition and the location thereof and the fact that the proprietor is not available or that the proprietor refuses or has failed to remedy the hazard or condition.
   (B)   Order abatement by town; assessment of costs. Upon receipt of such notice, the Council is authorized to order the abatement of the condition reported as provided in this chapter. The abatement shall be carried out by the proper officer or officers of the town, members of the Fire Department or otherwise, and the expense of the abatement shall be paid out of the General Funds of the town treasury and shall be included, together with a surcharge equal to 200% of such costs to cover indirect administrative costs, in a bill charged against the owner of the property within or upon which the fire hazard or dangerous condition was found to exist.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-18)
   No group of persons may provide fire protection and/or fire suppression on an organized basis unless and until such group has been organized as directed by this chapter, and its operations and procedures specifically approved by the Council.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-19) Penalty, see § 6-2-20
§ 6-2-20 PENALTY.
   The penalty for violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a fine as provided in § 1-4-1. Each day of an offense is constituted a separate offense.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-20)