§ 6-2-7 INSIGNIA.
   (A)   Wearing of insignia required. The insignia of the Fire Department shall be determined by a vote of its members, and no member of the Department shall attend any drill practice or respond to any fire alarm without wearing such insignia, whenever compliance with this section is reasonably possible, and if attendance at any fire drill or fire without the insignia is unavoidable, it shall be the duty of any member lacking such identification, to wear a helmet, or other distinctive garb as designated by the officer in charge of the drill or firefighting procedure, by which the member may be readily identified as a member of the Department.
   (B)   Penalty for noncompliance not necessary. No member failing through inadvertence and no fault of his or her own to comply with this section shall be penalized under the terms of this chapter for failure to comply.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-7)