6-2-1 Volunteer Fire Department created
6-2-2 Funding and expenditures
6-2-3 Fire Chief
6-2-4 Assistant Fire Chiefs and officers
6-2-5 Members
6-2-6 Officers and members, duties
6-2-7 Insignia
6-2-8 Police authority and right of entry
6-2-9 Records, reports, and inspections
6-2-10 Compliance with orders of inspector
6-2-11 Evacuation; demolition; entry authorized
6-2-12 Records and reports of activities
6-2-13 Interference with Fire Department
6-2-14 Cooperation of Water Department
6-2-15 Lending firefighting apparatus
6-2-16 False fire alarms
6-2-17 Compliance with order of Fire Chief
6-2-18 Fire hazard; abatement of town
6-2-19 Fire protection by other groups
6-2-20 Penalty
There is created and established a Volunteer Fire Department which shall prevent and extinguish fires, educate the public in all matters pertaining to fires and fire prevention, care for all firefighting apparatus and other municipal property in its charge, and perform such additional duties as may be assigned to it by resolution or ordinance of the governing body.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-1)
Monies shall be appropriated from the General Fund of the town for the operating expenses of the Fire Department. In addition, the Fire Department is authorized to raise funds and solicit donations through social activities, for the purpose of defraying expenses of the Department, which funds shall be turned over to and earmarked by the Town Clerk-Treasurer for disbursement along with appropriated funds in accordance with applicable ordinances and state statutes for Fire Department purposes. No member of the Department or any other person shall contract any indebtedness on behalf of the Department unless authorized to do so with approval by the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-2)
(A) Appointment, oath, and bond.
(1) The Fire Chief shall be appointed for a four-year term by the Mayor with the consent of the governing body, and may be removed by the Mayor and governing body for incompetency or neglect of duty at any time during the four-year term. The Fire Chief shall take and subscribe an official oath and shall file the oath with the Clerk-Treasurer, the oath to be the same as the oath taken by other officers of the town, except for additions and/or alterations as may be obviously necessary or desirable to render the oath suitable and adaptable to the intent of such officer and which may be authorized by the governing body.
(2) In addition to the oath of office, the Chief shall execute a bond to the people of the town if such bond is deemed necessary by the governing body, in the amount as directed by the governing body, conditioned upon faithful performance of the duties of his or her office in accordance with law and within the boundaries of this authority, and shall file the bond with the Town Clerk-Treasurer. The expense of the bond is to be paid out of the General Fund of the town treasury, in the same manner as that in which the expense of the bonds for other officers of the town is paid.
(B) Powers and duties. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be responsible for the discipline, good order, and proper conduct of the entire Department, and for the enforcement of all ordinances and regulations pertaining to it. He or she shall be responsible for the proper care of the house, fire apparatus, and all other property of the Department or in its charge. He or she shall have command and control over all officers and members of the Department and all houses, fire apparatus, and other property of the Department or in its charge, and he or she likewise shall have control of all persons present at fires.
(Prior Code, § 6-2-3) (Ord. 2024-01, passed 4-4-2024)