Whenever a permit shall have been revoked under the terms of this chapter, no other application for a permit to maintain, operate, or conduct a social club in the city by such permittee shall be considered for a period of one year from the date of such revocation.
(Prior code § 5.20.130 (Ord. 368 § 6(f), 1953))
Every social club operating in the city shall pay to the city the license fee as provided by Chapter 5.04. Permits and licenses granted under this chapter shall be nontransferable as to holders or locations of clubrooms. In case any other business is carried on in connection with such club, which business is regularly licensed under the ordinances of the city, such business shall be also subject to the regulations and fees provided by ordinance.
(Prior code § 5.20.160 (Ord. 368 § 9, 1953))
A. No person, as principal, agent, employee, member, or otherwise, shall carry on, maintain, conduct, or engage in any dance or dancing in any social club in this city between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m., except on New Year's Eve; provided, however, any social club desiring to hold, conduct, or maintain any dance between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m. may file a written request with the chief of police for permission to conduct a dance between such hours at least forty-eight hours previous to the holding of such dance. If the chief of police determines from such request that the public welfare, peace, and order will not be disturbed, he may give his written permit for such special dance to be held between such hours.
B. No person, as principal, agent, employee, member, or otherwise, shall carry on, maintain, conduct or engage in any card game or cardplaying in any social club in the city between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m.
(Prior code § 5.20.070 (Ord. 368 § 5, 1953))
The clubrooms of all social clubs operated and conducted in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be at all times, when open to its membership, subject to police inspection by members of the police department of the city in the pursuit of their official duties; and it is unlawful for any person to hinder or obstruct any such authorized police officer in making such inspection.
(Prior code § 5.20.060 (Ord. 368 § 4, 1953))
A. Every permittee under the provisions of this chapter shall keep at its clubroom in the city a register of its members and guests, which register shall be a substantially bound book not less than nine inches in length and not less than seven inches in width, with the pages thereof lined for the registration of members and guests.
B. No member or guest shall be admitted to any use of the clubrooms or participation in the club facilities until he has registered in such book, and such registration shall show the name, address, and occupation of such member or guest. A member need not register more than once during the period of his membership; provided, however, he shall reregister in the event of any change of address or occupation. It is unlawful for any person to register any false or fictitious name or any name or address other than the true name of such person.
C. It shall be the duty of every permittee, and of every employee, manager, agent, or officer of such permittee to display and exhibit such register to any police officer of the city in the pursuit of his official duties on the demand, oral or written, of such police officer.
(Prior code § 5.20.140 (Ord. 368 § 7, 1953))
Any person aggrieved by the findings and determination of the city council after any hearing or investigation as provided in this chapter shall, within ten days from the date of service of notice thereof, take whatever legal steps he may deem necessary to appeal from or set aside such determination and order of the city council which shall otherwise become final within ten days after rendition thereof. Such suspension or revocation shall be effective unless and until the same shall be set aside.
(Prior code § 5.20.150 (Ord. 368 § 8, 1953))
The penalty for the violation of any provision of this chapter shall be as prescribed in Chapter 1.16.
(Ord. 586 § D (part), 1966: prior code § 5.20.170 (Ord. 368 § 10, 1953))