5.28.010 Defined.
5.28.020 Permit--Required.
5.28.030 Permit--Application contents and fee.
5.28.040 Permit--Application investigation.
5.28.050 Permit--Hearing on application--Issuance or denial.
5.28.060 Permit--Revocation or suspension--Grounds.
5.28.070 Permit--Temporary suspension pending hearing.
5.28.080 Permit--Revocation or suspension--Hearing notice.
5.28.090 Permit--Revocation or suspension--Hearing.
5.28.100 Permit--Effect of revocation or suspension.
5.28.110 Permit--Application for new permit following revocation.
5.28.120 Additional license fees--Licenses and permits nontransferable.
5.28.130 Hours of operation.
5.28.140 Police inspections.
5.28.150 Registration of members and guests.
5.28.160 Appeals from council decision.
5.28.170 Penalty for violations.
"Social club," within the meaning and application of this chapter, means and includes every philanthropic, eleemosynary, or fraternal corporation, association, or organization, voluntary, cooperative or otherwise, organized and maintained for the promotion of literature, science, politics, good fellowship, philanthropy, or for the social or physical welfare, benefit or amusement of the membership, which operates and functions upon a nonprofit basis, or in which the profits inure to the benefit of all the members of such corporation, association, or organization, and which maintains a clubroom or clubhouse to which the membership may resort for recreation, amusement or social intercourse and wherein intoxicating liquor is sold, purveyed, or consumed or wherein dancing is carried on, maintained, or allowed, or wherein card games and card playing are conducted or played or allowed.
(Prior code § 5.20.010 (Ord. 368 § 1, 1953)))
It is unlawful for any person, association, or corporation or his, their, or its employees to maintain, conduct, or operate a social club in the city without a permit first being obtained from the director of finance of the city on application presented to and approved by the city council. Each day shall be and constitute a separate offense.
(Prior code § 5.20.020 (Ord. 543 § 10 (part), 1963; Ord. 368 § 2, 1953))
A. Any person, association, or corporation desiring a permit to conduct a social club in the city shall make application therefor to the city council on forms to be provided by the director of finance, which application shall state the following:
1. The name of the club;
2. The date of its organization;
3. Its address or the proposed location of its clubrooms;
4. The names and addresses of all persons interested in the ownership thereof if privately owned, or the names and addresses of all officers and trustees if the property is held for the entire membership;
5. The purpose for which the club is organized;
6. The name and address of a designated person upon whom notices may be served;
7. A copy of the club's articles of incorporation, if any;
8. A copy of its bylaws and charter; and
9. Such other and further pertinent information as the city council may require.
B. The application shall be duly verified under oath.
C. An investigation fee of fifty dollars shall be paid to the director of finance at the time such application is filed and such fee shall not be returnable to the applicant.
(Prior code § 5.20.030 (Ord. 543 § 10 (part), 1963; Ord. 368 § 3(a), 1953))
On receipt of such application, the director of finance shall at once refer the same to the chief of police for investigation. The chief of police shall investigate the facts stated in the application and within sixty days after the same has been filed with the director of finance shall return the application to the director of finance with his report showing the police record, if any, of the proposed location of clubrooms and of the individuals, officers, or trustees named in the application, together with his recommendation regarding the granting of or refusal of a permit.
(Prior code § 5.20.040 (Ord. 543 § 10 (part), 1963; Ord. 368 § 3(b), 1953)