It is unlawful for any person, association, or corporation or his, their, or its employees to maintain, conduct, or operate a social club in the city without a permit first being obtained from the director of finance of the city on application presented to and approved by the city council. Each day shall be and constitute a separate offense.
(Prior code § 5.20.020 (Ord. 543 § 10 (part), 1963; Ord. 368 § 2, 1953))
A. Any person, association, or corporation desiring a permit to conduct a social club in the city shall make application therefor to the city council on forms to be provided by the director of finance, which application shall state the following:
1. The name of the club;
2. The date of its organization;
3. Its address or the proposed location of its clubrooms;
4. The names and addresses of all persons interested in the ownership thereof if privately owned, or the names and addresses of all officers and trustees if the property is held for the entire membership;
5. The purpose for which the club is organized;
6. The name and address of a designated person upon whom notices may be served;
7. A copy of the club's articles of incorporation, if any;
8. A copy of its bylaws and charter; and
9. Such other and further pertinent information as the city council may require.
B. The application shall be duly verified under oath.
C. An investigation fee of fifty dollars shall be paid to the director of finance at the time such application is filed and such fee shall not be returnable to the applicant.
(Prior code § 5.20.030 (Ord. 543 § 10 (part), 1963; Ord. 368 § 3(a), 1953))
On receipt of such application, the director of finance shall at once refer the same to the chief of police for investigation. The chief of police shall investigate the facts stated in the application and within sixty days after the same has been filed with the director of finance shall return the application to the director of finance with his report showing the police record, if any, of the proposed location of clubrooms and of the individuals, officers, or trustees named in the application, together with his recommendation regarding the granting of or refusal of a permit.
(Prior code § 5.20.040 (Ord. 543 § 10 (part), 1963; Ord. 368 § 3(b), 1953)
The director of finance shall thereupon transmit such application, together with the report and recommendation of the chief of police to the city council for hearing, and shall forthwith notify the applicant of the time and place of such hearing, which shall be held before the city council within ninety days from the date of filing of the application for permit with the director of finance. At such hearing, if the city council shall determine from the application and the report and recommendation of the chief of police, or from other information and evidence furnished to it, that such club is a bona fide social club, organized and conducted for a lawful purpose, and that the persons interested in the ownership and operation thereof, and the officers and trustees of such club are law-abiding persons and persons who will operate and conduct such club in a lawful manner, and that the public peace, welfare, and safety of the people of the city will not be impaired, such application shall be approved and such permit shall be granted. Otherwise, it shall be denied. No permit shall be assigned or transferred.
(Prior code § 5.20.050 (Ord. 543 § 10 (part), 1963; Ord. 368 § 3(c), 1953))
All permits issued under this chapter shall be subject to all regulations and ordinances adopted by the city, and nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to create any vested right in any person, association, or incorporation to the assignment, renewal, reissuance, or continuance of any permit, and such rights shall be and remain at all times vested in the city council, and the city council may, as provided in this chapter, suspend or revoke and cancel any permit for fraud or misrepresentation in its procurement, or for a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter or of any other ordinance of this city or any state or federal statute relating to gambling or the sale of intoxicating liquors, committed or permitted on the premises of the permittee by his, their, or its officers or employees or by any member of the club, or any other conduct or act of the permittee or his, their or its officers or members, or permitted by them, tending to render such premises a common nuisance or a menace to the health, peace, morals, or general welfare of the city, or whenever in the judgment of the city council the public interest demands such revocation or suspension.
(Prior code § 5.20.080 (Ord. 368 § 6 (a), 1953))
Whenever the city council receives evidence which it deems to be satisfactory that any permittee or his, their or its officers, employees, or members have caused, committed, or allowed any act provided by Section 5.28.060 to be grounds for the suspension or revocation of any permit issued under this chapter, the city council may, by written notice served upon the permittee, by serving the person designated in the application for permit for service of notices, temporarily suspend such permit, pending a hearing on the permanent suspension or revocation of such permit, which hearing is to be held not more than ten days after notice of such temporary suspension.
(Prior code § 5.20.090 (Ord. 368 § 6(b), 1953))