Stormwater Management
919.01   Purpose.
919.02   Definitions.
919.03   Stormwater Management Utility; administration by City Manager; organization; responsibilities.
919.04   Construction, maintenance, etc., of stormwater facilities.
919.05   Monitoring and remedying of erosion, siltation and sedimentation.
919.06   Responsibility of owners for maintenance of private stormwater facilities and drainage on private property.
919.07   Responsibility of Stormwater Management Utility and property owners for maintenance of public stormwater facilities.
919.08   Construction of curbs, pavement, channels, watercourses, etc.
919.09   Routine and remedial maintenance of public facilities.
919.10   Stormwater drainage from lands outside City.
919.11   Promulgation of rules and regulations by Stormwater Management Utility; promulgation and enforcement of Stormwater Management Design Manual by City Engineer; enforcement.
919.12   Right of entry of City Manager for surveys, examinations and maintenance.
919.13   Master Plan.
919.14   Stormwater management system.
919.15   Principles for minimizing erosion and sedimentation; standards for preparation of plans; contents of plans.
919.16   Excavation/grading permits required.
919.17   Application for excavation/grading permits.
919.18   Plan submission requirements.
919.19   Plan review and approval procedures.
919.20   Maintenance of approved plans and permit on job sites; inspections; implementation of stop work orders and additional safety precautions; correction of construction and grading activities on sites where no permit is required.
919.21   Fees; bonds.
919.22   Suspension and revocation of permit.
919.23   Funding.
919.24   Stormwater Utility Fund.
919.25   Correction of improper drainage; notice; hearings.
919.26   Failure or refusal of owner to correct violations; abatement by City; collection of costs.
919.27   Stormwater Appeals Board.
919.28   Variances and appeals.
919.29   Contents of petitions for appeals and variances.
919.30   Findings of fact for variances.
919.31   Amendments.
919.32   Liability of City for flooding.
919.33   Separability.
919.99   Penalty.
      Water generally - see S. & P.S. Ch. 911
      City-owned and nonresidential sanitary sewers - see S. & P.S. Ch. 913
      Flood hazard areas in subdivisions - see P. & Z. 1118.05(d)(1)L.