The mayor, or any member of the council, or any city officer, or any relative or employee thereof, must not be directly or indirectly interested in the profits of any contract entered into by the council while he is or was in office. (Ord. 417, 3-21-1994)
All contracts for work, or for supplies, or for materials, for which must be paid a sum exceeding twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00), must be let to the lowest responsible bidder after advertisement for bids, provided, that no contract shall be let extending over a period of five (5) years or more without first submitting the question to a vote of the taxpaying electors of said city. Such advertisement shall be made in the official newspaper of the city, if there be such official newspaper, and if not it shall be made in a daily newspaper of general circulation published in the city, if there be such, otherwise by posting in three (3) of the most public places in the city. Such advertisement if by publication in a newspaper shall be made once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks and the second publication shall be made not less than five (5) days nor more than twelve (12) days before the consideration of bids. If such advertisement is made by posting, fifteen (15) days must elapse, including the day of posting, between the time of the posting of such advertisement and the day set for considering bids. The council may postpone action as to any such contract until the next regular meeting after bids are received in response to such advertisement, may reject any and all bids and readvertise as herein provided. The provisions of this section as to advertisement for bids shall not apply upon the happening of any emergency caused by fire, flood, explosion, storm, earthquake, riot, or insurrection, or any other similar emergency, but in such case the council may proceed in any manner which, in the judgment of three-fourths (3/4) of the members of the council present at the meeting, duly recorded in the minutes of the proceedings of the council by aye and nay vote, will best meet the emergency and serve the public interest. Such emergency shall be declared and recorded at length in the minutes of the proceedings of the council at the time the vote thereon is taken and recorded. (Ord. 417, 3-21-1994)