The Mayor shall appoint a Clerk who may be a member of the Council and whose term of office shall be for a period of two (2) years, unless otherwise provided and specified in their order of appointment, and until their successor in office is appointed and qualified.
That pursuant to the appointment by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, the City Clerk may be appointed "City Clerk-Treasurer" and assume both the duties of City Clerk and of Treasurer, in accordance with section 7-4-4102(4)(c), Montana Code Annotated.
That pursuant to the appointment by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, a Deputy City Clerk-Treasurer may be appointed as necessitated, pursuant to and in accordance with section 7-4-4102(4)(e), Montana Code Annotated and section 1-11-1 of this title to assist with the duties of the City Clerk- Treasurer. (Ord. 566, 9-19-2016)
It shall be the duty of the Clerk:
A. To attend all meetings of the Council, to record and sign the proceedings thereof and all ordinances, bylaws, resolutions, and contracts passed, adopted or entered into, and to sign, number, and keep a record of all licenses, commissions or permits granted or authorized by the Council.
B. To enter in a book all ordinances, resolutions and bylaws passed and adopted by the Council. Such book is called the "Ordinance Book".
C. To enter in a book kept for that purpose the date, amount, and person in whose favor and for what purpose warrants are drawn upon the treasury. Such book is called the "Finance Book".
D. To countersign and cause to be published or posted, as provided by law, all ordinances, bylaws or resolutions passed and adopted by the Council.
E. To file and keep all records, papers, or property belonging to the Municipality, and to deliver the same to his successor when qualified.
F. To make and certify copies of all records, books and papers in his possession, on the payment of like fees as are allowed County Clerks, which fees must be paid into the treasury. (1960 Code)
G. To make and keep a complete index of the journal "Ordinance Book", "Finance Book" and all other books and papers on file in his office.
H. To perform such duties in and about the assessment, levy and collection of taxes and assessment as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
I. To take and administer oaths, but must not charge or receive any fees therefor.
J. To perform such other and further duties as the Council may prescribe, or that may be imposed upon him by the laws of the State of Montana. (1960 Code; amd. Ord. 418, 4-18-1994)