All taxes, including all special improvement district taxes, levied and assessed by the city, shall be collected by the county treasurer of the county of Richland and by him accounted for to the treasurer of said city, in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the state of Montana. (1953 R.C.)
The clerk of the city shall keep and be the custodian of all original assessments or the resolutions of the council levying such assessments, and shall deliver a duplicate of all such assessments, resolutions or assessment books, certified by his affidavit to the county clerk of said county of Richland immediately after the second Monday in August of each year, or at such other time as may hereafter be required by the laws of the state of Montana, to enable the county clerk to spread such assessments upon the assessment books of the county and charge the county treasurer with the amount of such taxes. (1953 R.C.)