   To obtain a demolition permit the applicant shall first file an application therefor in writing on a form furnished by the City Inspector. Such application shall set forth a statement of the facts necessary to fully describe the building, its use, its legal description and its address. Provisions shall be made by the applicant for the proper abandonment of all utilities before a demolition permit may be issued.
(Ord. 1140. Passed 6-13-89.)
1431.05 PERMIT FEES.
   A fee for each demolition permit shall be paid to the City as set out in the Master Fee Schedule of the City of Sidney, and shall be based on whether the type of building is business, commercial, residential or accessory. Where work for which a permit is required by this chapter is commenced prior to obtaining a permit, the fees may be tripled. The payment of such fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of this chapter in the execution of the work or from any other penalties prescribed in this chapter.
(Ord. 1140. Passed 6-13-89; Ord. 1800. Passed 9-25-18.)
   No person shall perform any demolition work on any building or structure if by so doing he endangers persons or property on adjacent real estate or pedestrians on the street that abuts the property line, unless the persons, property or pedestrians are protected as specified hereafter.
   (a)   In a commercially-zoned area, unless specifically waived in writing by the City Inspector, protection shall be provided for pedestrians on all sides of a building being demolished that borders on a public street or alley by providing a covered walkway four feet in clear width and seven feet in clear height. Such walkway shall be covered on top with two-inch (nominal) planking as a minimum, and the sides next to the building shall be covered with plywood or other materials approved by the City Inspector. The side of the walkway next to the street shall have a splash guard at least two feet in height to protect pedestrians from splashing cause by passing automobiles. The City Inspector may also require a raised subfloor in the walkway. The space within the walkway and the approaches thereto, unless a waiver in writing from the City Inspector is obtained, shall be kept well lighted with artificial lighting continuously between sunset and sunrise or as otherwise directed by the City Inspector.
   (b)   Any building which is set back more than six feet from the street or alley property line may, in lieu of the covered walkway, be protected by a tightly built fence, six feet high and approved by the City Inspector. The remainder of the property shall be enclosed with a fence not less than four feet high.
   (c)   A substantial protective frame and boarding shall be built around and over every street light, utility box, fire hydrant, catch basin and manhole which may be damaged due to work being performed under the permit. This protection shall be maintained until such work is completed.
(Ord. 1140. Passed 6-13-89.)
   No burning of materials during the performance of demolition work shall be permitted.
(Ord. 1140. Passed 6-13-89.)
   All demolition work must be completed within ninety days from the date of the demolition permit and thirty days from the date work is begun. Upon completion of the demolition work, the applicant shall clean the premises of all debris, fill all excavations and grade the area with top soil or other material approved by the City Inspector.
(Ord. 1140. Passed 6-13-89.)
   (a)   The City Inspector shall have the authority to stop the demolition or removal of any building or structure or part thereof when the same is being done in a reckless or careless manner or in violation of the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinances of the City. When such work is stopped by order of the City Inspector, it shall not be resumed without approval of the City Inspector.
   (b)   A demolition permit may be revoked by the City Inspector at any time upon a violation of the terms thereof, or upon a violation of any provision of this chapter or any other ordinance of the City.
(Ord. 1140. Passed 6-13-89.)
1431.99 PENALTY.
   (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section 1421.99 for general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.)