Obstructions and Maintenance
1030.01   Obstructions generally.
1030.02   Obstruction of streets and sidewalks by trees, hedges, etc. (Repealed)
1030.03   Gasoline pumps not to be located in sidewalk space.
1030.04   Stairways, cellarways, etc., on streets or sidewalks.
1030.05   Walls and steps on or near street or alley lines.
1030.06   Removal of snow, mud, etc., from sidewalks.
1030.99   Penalty.
   Authority of City to remove obstructions from sidewalks, curbs, etc. - see R.S.N. § 16-207
   Authority to regulate street obstructions - see R.S.N. § 16-227
   Abatement of obstructions - see R.S.N. § 39-703
   Sidewalk obstructions and encroachments - see R.S.N. § 39-704
   Obstruction and special uses of public ways - see TRAF. Ch. 420