No railroad company, or any employee, agent or servant thereof, shall spot cars or leave the same standing on any switch or service track, so that the same obstruct or remain within the limits of any street or within five feet from the boundary thereof.
(1958 Code § 21.3)
No railroad company, or any employee, agent or servant thereof, shall make or cause to be made what is known as a flying switch within the City, or cause or permit any car or cars or other rolling stock to run or move upon any railroad tracks when such car or cars or other rolling stock are detached from the locomotive in charge or its crew, unless the railroad company has upon such car, cars or other rolling stock, and in control of the brakes thereof, some employee properly qualified to control and who is controlling the movements of such car, cars or other rolling stock.
(1958 Code § 21.4)
(a) No railroad company that owns, operates and maintains a railroad passing through the City shall fail to place, keep or maintain, at its own expense, all places within its right of way where the public streets or alleys of the City intersect and cross any railroad tracks, in a suitable and safe condition for public travel over and across the same.
(b) If any crossing is at any time in bad condition or unsafe or inconvenient for public travel, Council may, by resolution, call upon the proper railroad company to repair or replace the crossing and render the same safe and convenient for public travel. Unless otherwise ordered by Council, all railroad crossing replacements shall be made with steel rails or steel plates. A copy of every such resolution shall be served upon the local agent of the railroad company whose duty it is to maintain such crossing.
(c) No person shall fail or refuse to comply with such resolution within thirty days after the service thereof. If such resolution is not complied with within thirty days after the service thereof every day thereafter shall constitute a separate offense.
(1958 Code § 21.5)
At all points within the corporate limits of the City where any railroad or railway track intersects any platted street, there shall be installed and maintained, when ordered by a motion or resolution of Council, wholly at the expense of the company maintaining the intersecting railroad or railway, an electric light of at least such power and strength as is commonly used by the City for its street lighting, which light shall be kept lighted at all times between one hour after sunset in the evening and one hour before sunrise in the morning following.
(1958 Code § 21.6)
When ordered by Council, approved automatic lights or signals shall be installed at designated railroad crossings by the company owning the tracks at the crossings. Such lights and signals shall be kept in good working order at all hours of the day or night so that all persons approaching the crossings will be warned of the danger of approaching trains, engines or cars on the tracks. Likewise, Council may order railroad companies to keep flagmen at designated crossings. No person shall fail to comply with such an order.
(1958 Code § 21.7)