(a)   No railroad company that owns, operates and maintains a railroad passing through the City shall fail to place, keep or maintain, at its own expense, all places within its right of way where the public streets or alleys of the City intersect and cross any railroad tracks, in a suitable and safe condition for public travel over and across the same.
   (b)   If any crossing is at any time in bad condition or unsafe or inconvenient for public travel, Council may, by resolution, call upon the proper railroad company to repair or replace the crossing and render the same safe and convenient for public travel. Unless otherwise ordered by Council, all railroad crossing replacements shall be made with steel rails or steel plates. A copy of every such resolution shall be served upon the local agent of the railroad company whose duty it is to maintain such crossing.
   (c)   No person shall fail or refuse to comply with such resolution within thirty days after the service thereof. If such resolution is not complied with within thirty days after the service thereof every day thereafter shall constitute a separate offense.
(1958 Code § 21.5)