Peace Disturbances; Nuisances
648.01   Disorderly conduct generally.
648.02   Disorderly houses.
648.03   Disturbing the peace and assemblies.
648.04   Intoxication.
648.05   Sound-producing or amplifying apparatus.
648.06   Loitering.
648.07   False fire alarms.
648.08   Excessive noise; finding, declaration.
648.09   Excessive noise prohibited.
648.10   Excessive noise; standards; particular noises.
648.11   Exemptions.
648.12   Special permit.
648.13   Nuisance.
648.99   Penalty.
   Authority to suppress disorderly conduct - see R.S.N. §§ 16-227, 16-228
   Authority to prohibit vagrancy - see R.S.N. § 16-229
   Offenses against public peace - see R.S.N. §§ 28-801 et seq.
   "Peeling," cracking exhaust noises - see TRAF. 430.24
   Muffler noise - see TRAF. 442.07
   Barking and howling dogs - see GEN. OFF. 618.20
   Peace disturbances in pool and billiard halls and bowling alleys - see B.R.& T. 804.06