(A) Subsequent to completion of street construction by the developer, the village staff shall make a final inspection of all streets to ascertain the acceptability of structural condition, earth slopes, drainage structures and the like if the inspection indicates no deficient items, the village shall take formal action to accept the completed streets for maintenance.
(B) Should any item need correction or repair, the subdivider will be notified in writing of each deficiency. No street(s) will be accepted in a subdivision until all streets comply with the village requirements to the satisfaction of the village staff.
(C) Should the subdivider fail to properly correct any of the deficiencies, he or she shall be responsible for all maintenance, until such time as the streets are completely acceptable to the village. Under this situation, the subdivider's maintenance responsibility shall be construed to include, but not be limited to, regular mowing of the parkways; periodic cleaning of debris from the pavement and gutters; periodic cleaning of storm sewers and catch basins, snow plowing and the like. Should the subdivider fail to discharge any of these responsibilities, he or she will be notified to rectify the situation(s) by the village staff. Failure to take the necessary remedial action(s) within 30 calendar days after the notification may result in a fine not to exceed $500 with a similar such fine for every 14 calendar-day period beyond the initial 30 days during which the necessary repairs/maintenance activities are not completed.
(D) It should be noted, that regardless of whether or not the street(s) have been accepted by the village for maintenance, no occupancy permits shall be issued for any structure(s) until such time as the builder or developer has cleaned all debris and mud from the pavement, gutter, drainageways and the like in the nearby vicinity of the subject structure.
(A) Blocks shall be sufficiently wide to accommodate two tiers of lots having the minimum depth required by the zoning district regulations; however, this requirement may be waived in blocks adjacent to local collector or collector streets, railroads or water courses.
(B) No block shall be longer than 1,400 feet nor shorter than 500 feet. Wherever practicable, blocks along collector streets shall be not less than 1,000 feet in length.
(C) Public access crosswalks not less than ten feet wide shall be built through the center of blocks more than 1,000 feet long where necessary to provide adequate access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers or other community facilities. Public access to be shown on all plats and maintenance to be done by the property owner and/or development lot owners through the subdivisions covenants and restrictions.
(A) Generally.
(1) Sidewalks on both sides of the street shall be required near schools, within shopping areas, along roads of all business and industrial zone districts and in other public or semi-public places with pedestrian traffic and as otherwise determined by the Village Board.
(2) Sidewalks on both sides of the street shall be required in all residential zone districts (ME, MR, R-1, R-2, R-3 and CE).
(3) No variance from the above requirements shall be granted unless the Village Board determines that, in the area in question, sidewalks are not needed to ensure public safety.
(B) Sidewalk construction standards.
(1) The street-side edge of every sidewalk shall be located at least four feet from the curb to allow sufficient space for tree planting.
(2) Residential sidewalks shall be at least five feet wide.
(3) All sidewalks shall be constructed of concrete at least four inches thick and shall have contraction joints with joint tool at five-foot centers and expansion joints with one-inch pre-molded joint filler where abutting back of curb/gutter.
(4) No sidewalk shall be constructed at a grade steeper than 10% unless steps approved by the Village Board are provided.
(5) Curbs shall be cut and sidewalks shall be ramped at all intersections so as to enhance the mobility of disabled individuals.
(6) All sidewalks shall be provided with #6 reinforcing mesh across the entire breadth and width at driveways.
(7) See village ordinance for construction on r.o.w. for further information on sidewalks.
(C) Pedestrian/bikeways.
(1) All developments shall provide pedestrian/bikeways within the development and the interconnection of same throughout the village. Developers shall extend any pedestrian/bikeway currently existing or shown on the Village Transportation Plan or on adjacent right-of-way depending upon location of existing pedestrian/bikeway.
(2) All bikeways shall be constructed based upon recognized engineering standards.
(A) (1) The names of new streets shall be as approved by the 911 shall be sufficiently different in sound and spelling from the names of existing streets in village to avoid confusion.
(2) A street which is planned as a continuation of an existing street shall bear the same name as the existing street.
(B) (1) Street name signs shall meet standards as shown herein and shall be erected by the developer at all intersections within or abutting the subdivision.
(2) All street name signs shall be mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized pipe set in concrete to a depth of at least three feet and extending above the surface to a height of at least seven feet.
(A) Easements not less than ten feet wide shall be provided on each side of all rear lot lines and alongside side lot lines where necessary for storm and sanitary sewers; gas, water and other mains; and for underground electric power and telephone lines and as required for future extensions of any of the above. Easements of greater width may be required along or across lots when necessary for the extension of main sewers or other utilities or where both water and sewer lines are located in the same easement. The Village Board of Trustees shall make the final determination as to location and size of easements.
(B) Adequate drainange easements for storm water drainage, storage and conveyance shall be established along any natural drainage channel and in such other locations as may be necessary to provide satisfactory flow of storm water from streets and all other portions of the development including the passage of the 100-year storm event without an increase in water elevation. The location and minimum widths of the drainage easements shall be approved by the village staff.
(C) No person shall deny access to the easements to authorized officials upon display of proper identification.
(D) (1) No person shall erect any structure, fence, retaining wall, install earth fill or plant any tree or shrub in any easement or within any street right-of-way without a permit from the village. No person shall place any object in a right-of-way (i.e., basketball hoop, soccer net) in any easement or within any street right-of-way.
(2) Should the village issue a permit, the property owner will be responsible for and maintain all items on the easement except for electric, gas, phone, cable, water and sanitary sewer gravity or force mains.
(3) Should it become necessary in the opinion of the village or utility company that items, exclusive of those listed above as not being the responsibility of the property owner, on easements need to be demolished, removed or reconstructed, it will be at the property owner's expense.
(4) This cost to include any expenses incurred by the village as a result of this division (D).
Fences, walls and natural barriers, see § 151.167
Nuisances generally, see § 90.01
All utility lines, including gas, electric power, telephone, water, sewer and CATV lines, shall be located underground throughout the subdivision. Any extension of the above to the subdivision shall also be underground. Underground service connections to the property line of each platted lot shall be installed at the developer's expense; provided that, the Village Board may waive the requirement for service connections to each lot in the case of adjoining lots to be retained in single ownership.
Easements, see § 151.293