Grading and clearing necessitated for any development shall be done in such a manner as to assure uniform sub-grade support with adequate bearing capacity to properly support the loading/structures to be superimposed. In order to help achieve this result, the subdivider shall comply with the following requirements.
(A) Clearing and grubbing. Prior to grading, the entire area to be affected with improvements (i.e., pavement, water, sewer, drainage, buildings and the like) shall be cleared of all tree stumps, roots, brush and other objectionable materials and of all trees not intended for preservation. All trees, stumps, hedges and deletions material located within the right-of-way or buildable areas shall be removed to a depth of not less than 12 inches.
(B) Embankments. Embankments and fills within the development shall be done in a manner compatible with good road construction practices and in accordance with the provisions herein.
(1) Fills shall be constructed in lifts not to exceed 12 inches loose and each lift shall be properly compacted to a density not less than the requirements of Article 205.05 of the I.D.O.T. Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction.
(2) No wood, trash or other objectionable material shall be placed in fills.
(3) Large clods and excessively wet fill material shall be disked and/or aerated as required to achieve the minimum density and result in a stable embankment.
(4) Compaction shall be achieved with a roller capable of properly compacting the given type of embankment material. In the case of fine drained soils, a sheep's-foot roller shall be deemed suitable.
(5) The village will require the subdivider to furnish, at his or her expense, results of field compaction tests for verification of proper construction. The tests shall be performed and certified by a respectable testing lab or engineering firm.
(C) Sub-grades. In areas where embankment is to be placed, the material shall be properly compacted up to sub-grade elevation. In the case of cut sections, the sub-grade shall be cleared of all unsuitable material, including, but not limited to, vegetation, tree stumps and roots, trash, debris, soft spongy soil and the like, for a minimum depth of 18 inches below sub-grade elevation. The upper 12 inches of the entire length of sub-grade (cut or fill) shall be compacted to at least 95% of maximum standard lab density.