All street identification signs within the Village of Shiloh shall conform to the following standards:
1) Sign shall be .080 aluminum conforming to 5052 # 38 alloy Engineer grade.
2) Sign shall be six feet tall with four-inch high lettering conforming to Highway Gothic B.
3) All Suffixes: Drive, Court, Lane etc. Letters to be two inches high Highway Gothic B and shall follow the National Standard for said abbreviation.
4) Red background to be Premium Fire Red #2076 as manufactured by Spar-cal or approved equal.
5) White to be Reflective 3M Engineer Grade #3260 or approved equal.
6) All signs to be U.V. protected.
7) Edge border to be three-eighths inch wide and white in color as described in #5 herein.
8) Letter and logo to be equally spaced from edge of sign with a minimum space of one-half inch from inside edge of white border of letter or logo.
9) One-half inch space shall also be between logo and 1st letter of street name.
10) Minimum space of one-half inch between top of lower white border and letters or logo.
11) Minimum space of one-half inch between bottom of upper white border and letters of logo.
12) Spacing between letters to conform to national standard.
13) Letters can not be condensed to less than 90% of specified size.
14) Sign artwork to conform to Exhibit A.
Exhibit A