(A) The purpose of this subchapter is to require that new or redeveloped facilities within the Primary Planning Influence Area, Airport Overlay (AO-1) District, be constructed in such a manner to mitigate impacts on aircraft operators and therefore protect the health, safety and general welfare of the residents.
(B) The AO-1 District designates the area that primarily includes standards for consultation with the Air Force, avigation easements, and lighting.
(C) Establishment of Primary Planning Influence Area. Buildings, structures, or land shall be occupied or used only in conformity with all of the regulations set forth herein for the district or districts in which they are located. The boundaries of the AO-1 District are shown on the map in § 151.078.
Development applications on properties within the AO-1 District shall require consultation with the Air Force to the extent required per § 151.082.
(A) All applications for subdivision approval for any structure requiring plan approval in the AO-1 District, to the extent consistent with applicable requirements of law, shall include the dedication of an avigation easement to the village. The dedicated avigation easement shall allow property owners to develop land in accordance with the applicable zoning district and regulations, and shall also convey a clear right to maintain flight operations in navigable airspace over the property, consistent with federal statutes and regulations, and shall submit the property to compliance with the regulations set forth in these airport overlay regulations. The easement shall be recorded with the deed to a property and shall run in perpetuity with the land.
(B) The applicant for all final subdivision plats within an AO District shall place a reference to the applicability of AO District regulations to the subdivision on the recorded plat.
(C) The village shall maintain publicly available maps of the airport overlay district to facilitate the disclosure of potential airport environs impacts as part of real estate transactions.
The following standards shall apply to all lands within the AO-1 District, unless otherwise stated.
(A) Non-residential uses and multi-family residential.
(1) The light source of outdoor lighting fixtures shall be fully shielded and downward facing so as not to allow any light above the horizontal, as measured at the luminaire.
(2) Outdoor lighting fixtures shall be placed so as to not cause excessive glare or light trespass.
(3) On-site parking areas shall be constructed of asphalt, dyed concrete or other non-reflective paving surfaces.
(4) All light fixtures that are required to be shielded shall be installed and maintained in such a manner that the shielding is effective.
(5) Canopy lighting shall be designed to conceal the illumination source and the lighting fixture shall not extend below the canopy skirt.
(6) Exterior sign lights shall be shielded and oriented downward with respect to the sign.
(B) Single-family and agricultural uses. Single-family residential and agricultural uses are exempt from the standards contained in this § 151.087, provided that such uses do not affect the safety of the public or persons utilizing Scott Air Force Base or MidAmerica St. Louis Airport.
(C) Electronic display signs. Electronic display signs shall be permitted within the AO-1 District under the following conditions:
(1) The maximum brightness of electronic signs shall not exceed 5,000 nits (candelas per square meter) during daylight hours, or of 500 nits (candelas per square meter) between dusk to dawn;
(2) Any image or message or portion thereof displayed on the sign shall have a minimum duration of fifteen seconds and shall be of static display;
(3) Electronic signs are prohibited in the AO-2 District; and
(4) Electronic display signs shall comply with all other applicable regulations set forth in the Development Code.
(D) Temporary lights. Special use permits shall be required for temporary lights such as spot lights. A permit may be granted if, upon review, the Director finds that the proposed lighting will not create excessive glare, sky glow, or light trespass.
(E) Lighting plan. Within the AO-1 District, a lighting plan shall be included as part of the required site plan submittal or subdivision construction drawings which shall contain but not be limited to the following:
(1) The location of the site where the outdoor light fixtures will be installed;
(2) Plans indicating the location on the premises of each outdoor light fixture, both proposed and any already existing on the site; and
(3) A description of the outdoor light fixtures including but not limited to manufacturer’s catalog cuts and drawings.
Division 6: AO-2: Safety Zones Area
(A) The purpose of this subchapter is to require that land and structures located within safety zones around the Scott AFB and MidAmerica St. Louis Airfields are developed to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public and to mitigate hazards of potential aircraft mishaps.
(B) The Safety Zones Area, Airport Overlay (AO-2) District, designates the area that primarily includes standards for land use, density and design, in addition to those requirements established for all properties within the AO-1 District.
(C) Establishment of safety zones.
(1) Buildings, structures, or land shall be occupied or used only in conformity with all of the regulations set forth herein for the district in which they are located.
(2) The boundaries of the military safety zones as determined by the Air Installation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) program are shown on the map in § 151.078. There are three military safety zones:
(a) CZ: Clear Zone;
(b) APZ-1: Accident Potential Zone 1; and
(c) APZ-2: Accident Potential Zone 2.
(3) The Federal Aviation Administration designates a runway protection zone (RPZ) for civilian airports as shown on the map in § 151.078. There is one civilian safety zone: RPZ: Runway Protection Zone.