The purpose of the Airport Overlay (AO) District is to establish land use controls that promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort and general welfare, and including:
(A) To provide for and protect the long term mission, operation, and viability of Scott Air Force Base (AFB) and MidAmerica St. Louis Airport from hazardous, injurious, and/or other conditions that could adversely affect airport operations and safety and/or that would be incompatible with airport operations and functions;
(B) To protect the use, enjoyment, and values of land and development in the airport environs from injurious and hazardous conditions and incompatibility of uses;
(C) To promote proper land use arrangement and development, public and private services and facilities, and a desirable environment to achieve and sustain physical, social, and economic activities, which are compatible with Scott AFB and MidAmerica St. Louis Airport;
(D) To provide standards for new or redeveloped buildings within the noise attenuation zone to be constructed with materials and in such manner that aircraft noise be reduced by the structure to an interior level that has no adverse impact on the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents;
(E) To maintain an open process of regional coordination, negotiation, and interpretation of airport influence districts and cooperation with other affected local governments to achieve these goals.
(F) To inform citizens in the vicinity of Scott AFB and MidAmerica St. Louis Airport of the potential impacts of airport influence districts on the use of their properties; and
(G) To preserve the economic development potential that Scott AFB and MidAmerica St. Louis Airport brings to the area.