(A) Establishment and interpretation of district boundaries. The boundaries of the Airport Overlay (AO) District and subarea districts are hereby enacted and established as set forth on the series of four maps incorporated in § 151.078 of these airport overlay regulations (District Maps), with precise boundaries being determined by scaling distances and features shown on these maps. Where interpretation is needed as to the exact location of the boundaries of the airport districts, as shown on the Airport Overlay (AO) District maps, the Director shall make the necessary determination of the boundary based on the purposes of these airport overlay regulations and underlying mapping data. Any property owner contesting the location of a district boundary affecting his or her property shall be given a reasonable opportunity to present their case in accordance with the appeal procedures established in the Development Code and in §§ 151.099 through 151.104 of these airport overlay regulations. The adopted district maps may include areas outside the territorial boundaries of the village in order to promote coordination with other participating local governments. The regulations of this Airport Overlay District shall not be deemed to extend to any property outside such territorial boundaries to which the village lacks jurisdiction to impose such regulation.
(B) Split parcels. For purposes of regulation of parcels that appear split by the district boundary lines, only that portion of a parcel that falls within the district shall be subject to the provisions and standards of these airport overlay regulations.
(C) Boundary changes. The boundaries of the Airport Overlay (AO) District may be subject to change reflecting new military mission activity and/or aviation operations at Scott AFB and MidAmerica Airport. Scott AFB and MidAmerica Airport shall communicate the results of updated analyses of noise and air safety zones, including AICUZ reports and FAA studies, to affected local governments. The Director shall notify the Air Force, MidAmerica Airport and other local governments that have adopted airport zoning regulations in the environs of Scott Air Force Base and MidAmerica Airport of changes to the district boundary lines as shown in the maps in § 151.078 to promote the coordinated and consistent application of airport overlay regulations. Other coordinating local governments may adopt more stringent regulations than the minimum requirements in these airport overlay regulations. Boundary changes to the AO District or subarea districts shall be adopted pursuant to the procedures applicable to amendments to the Development Code.