In order to facilitate the payment of certain expenses of the village, the following procedure is hereby adopted:
   A.   For any expense under the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), the president and the clerk shall determine if that expense is within the approved budget line item as passed by ordinance of the village board of trustees.
   B.   The president and the clerk shall request an approval of the village department head having the responsibility for and knowledge of the basis for the village to incur the subject expense.
   C.   Upon receipt of the approval of the respective village department head, the president and the clerk shall have the authority to cause the village to issue payment for the subject expense.
   D.   The clerk shall report the expense to the board of trustees at the next regular meeting of the board, and the board shall be requested to ratify the payment of the expense as is the case with other payments made by the village. (Ord. 2009-27, 8-18-2009)