General Provisions
92.01 Definitions
92.02 Restraint required
92.03 Impoundment; redemption
92.04 Issuance of citations
92.05 Confinement of animal in heat
92.06 Nuisances
92.07 Humane treatment
92.08 Exhibitions
92.09 Interference with enforcement
92.20 License required
92.21 Applicability to non-residents
Rabies Control
92.35 Vaccination required
92.36 Vaccination certificates, tags
92.37 Rabies voucher
92.38 Cat vaccination tags
Commercial Ventures
92.50 Kennels; guard and sentry dogs
92.51 Pet shops
92.52 Riding schools or stables
92.99 Penalty
Statutory reference:
Animals, see KRS 252.170 et seq.
Dogs, see KRS 258.005 et seq.