   (A)   All kennels shall, in addition to the other requirements of this chapter, comply with the minimum standards of this section. Failure to meet these standards shall be grounds for denial or revocation of a license and the issuance of a citation subjecting the owner to the penalties herein. Facilities shall be subject to inspection by the dog warden upon his or her request during normal business hours. The minimum standards are as follows.
      (1)   Enclosures must be provided which shall allow adequate protection against weather extremes. Floors of buildings, runs and walls shall be of an impervious material to permit proper cleaning and disinfecting.
      (2)   Building temperature shall be maintained at a comfortable level. Adequate ventilation shall be maintained.
      (3)   Each animal shall have sufficient space to stand up, lie down and turn around in a natural position without touching the sides or tops of cages.
      (4)   Cages are to be made of material and construction that permit cleaning and sanitizing.
      (5)   Cage floors of concrete, unless radiantly heated, shall have a resting board or some type of bedding.
      (6)   Runs shall provide an adequate exercise area and protection from the weather. Runs shall have an impervious surface.
      (7)   All animal quarters and runs are to be kept clean, dry and in a sanitary condition.
      (8)   The food shall be free from contamination, wholesome, palatable and of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to meet the normal daily requirements for the condition and size of the animal.
      (9)   All animals shall have fresh water available at all times. Water vessels shall be mounted or secure in a manner that prevents tipping and be of the removable type.
(1991 Code, § 3-66)
   (B)   Any kennel shall, in addition to the other requirements of division (A) above, comply with the standards of this division (B) whenever any dog is trained as a guard or sentry dog. Failure to meet these standards shall be grounds for denial of or revocation of a kennel license and the issuance of a citation subjecting the owner to the penalties herein. Such standards are as follows.
      (1)   Runs shall have at least six-foot-high fences completely surrounding them to which are to be added anti-climbers or the top must be completely covered.
      (2)   All gates and entrances to the runs, kennel and training area must be kept locked when not in use.
      (3)   A perimeter fence of at least eight feet high must be installed to encircle the training and kennel area, to which area shall be added anti-climbers. Fences must be maintained escape-proof.
      (4)   A dog in training as a guard or sentry dog must be confined at all times to its kennel or run or training area unless he or she is under the control of the handler.
      (5)   Any individual involved in training or guard or sentry dogs must have completed a recognized course to qualify for giving such training or to be able to demonstrate equivalent experience in giving such training.
(1991 Code, § 3-67)
(Ord. 840.4, passed --) Penalty, see § 92.99
§ 92.51 PET SHOPS.
   (A)   All pet shops, including pet shops run in conjunction with another holding facility, shall, in addition to the other requirements of this chapter, comply with the minimum standards of this section. Failure to meet these standards shall be grounds for denial of or revocation of a license and the issuance of a citation subjecting the owner to the penalties herein. Facilities shall be subject to inspection by the dog warden upon his request during normal business hours. Such standards are as follows.
      (1)   There shall be available hot water at a minimum temperature of 160°F for washing cages and disinfecting and cold water easily accessible to all parts of the shop. Fresh water shall be available to all species at all times. Containers are to be cleaned and disinfected each day. All water containers shall be mounted so the animal cannot turn them over and shall be removable for cleaning.
      (2)   Room temperature of the shop shall be maintained at a level that is healthful for every species of animal kept in the shop.
      (3)   All cages and enclosures are to be of a non-porous material for easy cleaning and disinfecting. Each cage must be of sufficient size that the animal will have room to stand, turn and lie down in the natural position.
      (4)   All animals under three months of age shall be fed at least three times per 24 hours. Food for all animals shall be served in a clean dish so mounted that the animal cannot readily tip it over and shall be of the removable type.
      (5)   Each bird must have sufficient room to sit on a perch. Perches must be placed horizontal to each other in the same cage. Cages must be cleaned every day and cages must be disinfected when birds are sold. Parrots and other large birds shall have separate cages from smaller birds.
      (6)   The water temperature for fish shall be maintained at a constant temperature that is healthful.
      (7)   There shall be sufficient, clean, dry bedding to meet the needs of each individual animal.
      (8)   All animals must be fed, watered and cages cleaned every day, including Sundays and holidays.
   (B)   Skunks sold at pet shops shall be quarantined six months prior to sale unless it can be shown that the mother of such animal has been held in captivity and quarantined six months prior to the birth of such animal being sold and that the animal being sold has been in possession of the pet shop since birth.
(1991 Code, § 3-68) (Ord. 840.4, passed --) Penalty, see § 92.99
   (A)   All riding schools or stables shall, in addition to other requirements of this chapter, comply with the minimum standards of this section. Failure to meet these standards shall be grounds for denial of or revocation of a license and the issuance of a citation subjecting the owner to the penalties herein. Facilities shall be subject to inspection by the dog warden upon his or her request during normal business hours.
   (B)   Such standards are as follows.
      (1)   All animals shall be provided with daily food and water, free from contamination, and such food shall be wholesome, palatable and of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to meet the normal daily requirements for the condition and size of the animal.
      (2)   All equipment used for riding must fit properly for each individual animal.
      (3)   All buildings and sheds used for stabling animals shall be well-lighted and ventilated and provide protection from the weather. All buildings and sheds used for stabling animals shall be kept clean and in good repair at all times and manure shall be removed therefrom daily. Any enclosure where animals are kept shall be graded and drained so as to keep their surfaces reasonably dry.
      (4)   Flies must be controlled through general sanitation and necessary means.
      (5)   Animals let for riding purposes must be in good physical condition.
(1991 Code, § 3-69) (Ord. 840.4, passed --) Penalty, see § 92.99
§ 92.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter (except §§ 92.07(B) and 92.09 of this chapter) shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not less than $15, nor more than $500, or be imprisoned for not less than five days, nor more than 60 days, or both so fined and imprisoned.
   (B)   Any person violating §§ 92.07(B) or 92.09 of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not less than $50, nor more than $500, or be imprisoned for not less than ten days, nor more than six months, or both so fined and imprisoned.
   (C)   If any violation is continuing, each day’s violation shall be deemed a separate violation.
(1991 Code, § 3-10) (Ord. 840.4, passed --)