903.01 Sidewalks required; grading; fees.
903.02 Construction standards.
903.03 City’s remedy for noncompliance.
903.04 Construction and material specifications for sidewalks.
903.045 Sidewalk installation specifications.
903.05 Construction and material specifications for driveways. (Repealed)
903.06 Procedures to insure compliance; fees.
903.99 Penalty.
Sidewalks and gutters - see Ohio R.C. 729.01 et seq.
Notice to construct or repair sidewalks - see Ohio R.C. 729.03 et seq.
Grade levels - see ADM. 103.01
(b) All sidewalks constructed on public streets shall be laid to the established grade of the street on which they are located.
(c) Whenever a sidewalk is laid adjacent to a public street or highway, such sidewalk shall not be constructed unless the grade has been set and established at the direction of the City Engineer.
(d) When the City Engineer sets the grade for the sidewalk in accordance with subsection (c) hereof, there shall be charged a fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per lot.
(Ord. 33-00. Passed 5-9-00.)
No person shall lay or relay any sidewalk on the public streets unless the same is constructed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and in accordance with the schedule of construction standards on file in the office of the Clerk of the Department of Public Service. (Ord. 249. Passed 8-3-26.)
It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector and/or Service Director, upon being notified that any sidewalk is being or has been constructed within the Municipality contrary to the provisions of this chapter, to direct such employees of the City as are necessary or to otherwise cause the immediate removal of such walk and to provide for the relaying of the same in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. The expense thereof shall be assessed upon the premises abutting upon such sidewalk and the cost and expense shall be certified to the proper officials to be placed upon the tax duplicate for collection as provided by law. The remedy provided for herein shall be in addition to the penalty provided for in Section 903.99.
(Ord. 41-89. Passed 6-13-89.)
(a) Portland cement concrete sidewalks shall be installed parallel to abutting streets one foot outside of the perimeter of land upon which new construction of a building may be undertaken. Where there is no sidewalk or the existing sidewalk is in poor repair, as determined by the Building Inspector, the sidewalk shall be installed to meet the grade established by the City Engineer. The sidewalk shall be constructed within two weeks of the time that the building work has reached a state of construction that it is no longer necessary to move heavy equipment across the area where the sidewalk is to be laid, or where the Building Inspector has determined the sidewalk to be in poor repair or unsafe.
(Ord. 44-77. Passed 4-12-77.)
(b) The materials to be used and the method of construction shall be in compliance with Sections 608.02 and 608.03 of the State of Ohio Department of Transportation Construction and Material Specifications, dated January 1, 1971.
(c) Expansion joints of prepared strips of bituminous and fiber or mineral aggregate three-fourths of an inch thick shall be placed at regular intervals not more than thirty feet apart and also between the sidewalk and other structures, such as a concrete driveway, which are adjacent to the sidewalk.
(d) The concrete shall be a full four inches in thickness except in the area of a crossing driveway where it shall be a full six inches in thickness.
(Ord. 22-71. Passed 3-23-71.)
(e) The sidewalk width shall be four feet on all streets in the City.
(Ord. 17-01. Passed 3-13-01.)