(a)   The Building Inspector may extend the time to any applicant for an occupancy permit, use permit or permit issued pursuant to Codified Ordinance 1345.01, for compliance with the City sidewalk ordinances. The Building Inspector may issue an occupancy permit or use permit or other permit for any residential dwelling or other building upon the applicant or property owner entering into an agreement with the City for installation of sidewalks as set forth herein.
   (b)   A property owner or applicant may enter into an agreement with the City for depositing funds into an escrow account. Said funds shall be held for the construction of sidewalks. The property owner or applicant and the City shall execute a standard escrow agreement on a form provided by the City. The escrowed funds shall be deposited by the City in a special bank account established to receive sidewalk escrow funds.
   (c)   The minimum amount to be deposited by a property owner or applicant in escrow shall be six dollars and fifty cents ($6.50) per square foot for the sidewalk required by City ordinances to be constructed on the subject property. Said funds deposited shall be used for the construction of sidewalks as directed by the Building Inspector. Sidewalks will be constructed within six months of the funds being deposited, unless the Building Inspector determines that more time is required due to unusual circumstances.
   (d)   Should the cost of constructing the sidewalk exceed the funds deposited in escrow, the applicant or property owner who entered into the escrow agreement shall be liable for the additional cost of construction. (Ord. 35-19. Passed 7-9-19.)