The walks shall have a slope of 1/4" per foot of width. The walk shall be 4" inches thick, except at driveways, where it shall be 6" inches thick for the full width of the driveway add 2' feet of sidewalk each side. Any voids or unstable areas be filled with a minimum of 4" inches of compacted aggregate base in the space requiring 6" inch concrete. No sand will be used.
   All 6" concrete shall be reinforced with no less than 6/6-8/8 welded wire fabrick. Sidewalks require no reinforcing.
   The contraction joint spacing for the walk shall be 5 feet. The contraction joint may be sawed or tooled. Either method must develop a joint with a depth 1/4 the slab thickness.
   Expansion Joints (1/2" minimum) will be used at all structures, changes in grade. and at drive approaches and at 30 feet intervals.
   All concrete will be 3,000 p.s.i. or a 5 1/2 SAC mix which ever has the greatest strength at 28 days, according to the Redi-mix distributor, and contain a minimum of 7% air entrainment. (The air entrainment must meet the requirements for proper bubble size and bubble spacing as referenced in ACT 345 and as tested by ASTM C457).
   Concrete shall be struck off with a template smoothed with a float, and given a broom finish.
   A weight slip from an authorized Redi-mix distributor shall be available if requested by the representative of the Director of Public Service.
   The area between the walk and curb and/or edge of pavement will be brought up to grade level so that there will be no possible washouts, and to prevent erosion sidewalk sub-base material.
   Any person performing any such work shall maintain such proper barricades, fences, signal lights or other protection as shall conform to applicable ordinances or safety regulation; and shal1 maintain access to private entrance walks and safe accommodations for pedestrian traffic, and shall, as far as possible, maintain access to private driveways.
   All walks and driveways shall be constructed or reconstructed to conform to the grade on the right-of-way where the grade has been established
   The surface of all walks shall have a transverse slope of one-fourth (1/4) inch per foot with the low side nearest to the curb line.
   Whenever permission is requested and granted to construct or reconstruct a walk where the surface of such walk has a transverse slope of a rate of more than one-fourth (1/4) inch to the foot, the permit shall be granted and received only on the condition that Council may, at any time thereafter, order such walks to be reconstructed to the established grade of the right of way, entirely at the expense of the abutting property owner.
   In all cases where sidewalks cross driveways or roadways, the full width of the sidewalk shall conform to the established grade of the sidewalks adjoining both sides of said driveways or runways, unless permission has been first obtained from the Director. However, in all cases no less than three (3) feet width of sidewalk shall conform to the grade of the sidewalks adjoining both sides of said driveways or runways.
   Whenever a sidewalk is reconstructed to a grade that does not meet the grade of adjacent existing walks, the person constructing the new sidewalk shall construct a ramp to eliminate any stub toes or grade inequality The materials, workmanship and character of the ramp shall be as determined by the Director.
   All walks hereafter constructed or reconstructed on any right-of-way in the City, shall be so constructed or reconstructed on such plat inclination and level so that the wearing surface thereof shall be uniform and even throughout the right-of-way; and all walks in the City, shall be uniform and even throughout its length and width with the adjoining and connecting walk. All new lateral walks, from the main sidewalk to the property line, hereafter constructed, shall have a uniform slope from the main sidewalk to the property line of one-quarter (1/4) inch per foot, the low end of the aforesaid new lateral walk being adjacent to the main sidewalk and the aforesaid lateral walk shall meet the grade of the main sidewalk; the intent of this section being the exclusion of steps or other abrupt changes in grade on the right-of-way.
   The owner or contractor shal1 suspend all work when notified by the Director that the weather is unsuitable for carrying on the work. If work is allowed during cold or freezing weather, the owner or contractor shall take such additional precaution as the Director shall require or as set forth in the specifications. No work shall be done between November 15 and the following April 15 without special permission from the Director.
   The Director or his duly authorized Inspector shall, at all times, have access to the work and the contractor shall provide or cause to be provided the proper facilities for inspection of all work.
   The owner or contractor shall have a responsible representative in charge of the work on the site at all times and he shall have the necessary qualifications and authority to execute, adhere to and carry out all the requirements of this chapter and reconstruction of walks, driveways or curb openings on file in the office of the Director.
   Orders or instructions from the Director or his Inspector, given to the aforesaid representative, shall be as binding as though given to the owner or contractor. Should any person employed on the work refuse or neglect to comply with the directions of the Director or his Inspector, in the interpretation of the specifications and direction of the work, or in the opinion of the Director or Inspector, be incompetent disorderly, or unfaithful, such a person shall be immediately removed and not again employed on any part of the work.
   The Director may assign inspectors to the work, or such part thereof as may be necessary; however, the presence of the inspector will not in any way relieve the owner or contractor from any responsibility in complying with the specification relating to the construction or reconstruction of walks, driveway or curb openings. Any work done or performed contrary to this chapter or the applicable rules or specifications shall, upon direction of the Director, be made good or removed as directed.
   All concrete shall be from a certified Redi-mix company. Delivery slips may be inspected by the representative of the Director.
   Contractor's attention is called to the non-scaling formula that is attached to these specifications.
   Sidewalks will be at least one (1) foot from any bicycle path. Additional easements, to provide for ingress and egress through land not granted to the City, will be provided by the owners placement of the sidewalk.
   In the event that sidewalk compliance is in question, the Service Director may require a Licensed Engineered plan for sidewalk installation, grades and locations.
   If, due to topographic or other factors, it is not feasible to install a sidewalk as defined herein, the Director or his duly authorized Inspector shall have the power, for good cause shown, to vary the dimensions and placement of any such sidewalk.
   There will be at least two (2) inspections of the sidewalk area. The first inspection when forms are set and the second inspection at completion of the installation and grading.